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VCAST Music Disables MP3 Playback

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Jan 9, 2006, 4:02 PM   by (staff)

Phonescoop has confirmed early reports that the VCAST Music upgrade for the VX8100 disables MP3 playback on the phone, at least when mp3s are saved directly to the memory card. Verizon clearly stated the music player would support mp3s stored on users' PCs. We have not been able to test this yet, but it is likely that Windows Media Player on the desktop transcodes the MP3 to a WMA file before saving it to the phone. If this is not the case and the phone is still capable of playing back MP3s without transcoding, they still can only be added to the phone's music library through the desktop. It is impossible to force the phone to add MP3 files to its music library from the device.


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Jan 12, 2006, 1:49 PM

CLARIFICATION: Verizon Wireless V CAST Music - MP3 vs. WMA Files

Okay, for all you confused or irritated about not being able to access your MP3 files with V CAST Music, check this out: http://www.pcworld.com/resource/article/0,aid ,124357,pg,1,RSS,RSS,00.asp

Basically, you can't download and purchase MP3 files on your phone, but you CAN transcode MP3s that are on your computer to use on your phone: "Microsoft's Windows Media Player 10 enables the transcoding of other audio file formats into WMA." The MP3s just remain on your computer.
i think most people have already figuered that out, the people that are still on here complaining are saying their will be quality loss during the conversion process and that verizon shouldn't be able to change the sofware in the phone to play wma ins...

Jan 11, 2006, 12:11 PM

Why is WMA a "lossy" format?

SystemShock said:
Welcome to yesterday. ☚ī¸

Yes, all of that is known. What you may not know is that when WM10 auto-converts your mp3s, AACs, and whatever else you have to WMA, you take a hit on sound quality due to WMA being a lossy format.

WMA: WMA (Windows Media Audio) files use a Microsoft format, that, like MP3, is usually lossy (there is a lossless version available, but it is rarely used). It isn't as ubiquitous as MP3, due in part to the fact that it is perceived as a proprietary format and is supported on fewer devices and DVDs than MP3. On the positive side, though, WMA files have noticably better quality than MP3 files encoded at equivalent bitrates.

http://www.mediamonkey.com/mp3-o »...
Amen brotha! 😁

He's right. Check the Wiki.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Media_Audio »
mycool said:
SystemShock said:
Welcome to yesterday. ☚ī¸

Yes, all of that is known. What you may not know is that when WM10 auto-converts your mp3s, AACs, and whatever else you have to WMA, you take a hit on
Why is WMA a 'lossy' format? Because thats simply part and parcel of the compression technology used in WMA. From Wikpedia:

A lossy data compression method is one where compressing data and then decompressing it retrieves data that may well be d ...

Jan 10, 2006, 2:13 PM

No worries...Here's the fix!

Relax all...

1) Ensure that your phone has firmware version V06 on the device. Earlier versions do not need this guide and this guide has not been tested with firmwares that have not yet been released.
2) Enter the menu and press 0. You will then be prompted for a service code, which on Verizon phones should be 000000.
3) Scroll down to the last menu option which should be "Music Setting", at which point, you can select the MP3 function which will restore MP3 support. Chose this then exit out of the menu.
4) At this point MP3 playback will be available under Tunes and Tones (again).
5) To switch the dedicated music playback buttons to the MP3 player from the VCast music player, go to Tools, then Shortcut Key, and chose the MP3 Player ...
Yeah, that's the hack posted on PCSIntel. Works on the 8100, does NOT work on the Samsung 950.

Wanna bet VZW blocks the hack on the next firmware update?
Thanks Lima Charlie -- I followed the steps and they worked great. I had a couple additional questions since I just got my vx8100 a few days ago and am still learning/playing with it:

1) Can mp3s (or VCast music for that matter) be used as ring to...

Jan 9, 2006, 4:58 PM

Class Action #2!!!!

Ok, so we finally get the USB connectivity that we have been begging for from Verizon, but they do it by sacrificing file transfer capabilities from the memory card. This is completely communist and out of line.

It is 100% illegal for Verizon to sell a device with a feature, and then take that feature from the customer with a software update. The customer bought the phone based on the functionality it had at the time of purchase and NEVER agreed to forfit those features at a future time. This will DEFINATELY lead to a lawsuit.

Great move Verizon. 🙄

You just lost 6 loyal customers to Sprint. My entire family will be leaving once our contracts expire.
electric boogaloo.
Good to hear your switching to Sprint.

Alltel did something similar (maybe it was nokia's fault) with the Nokia 6255i. With the newest update they fixed the MMS sending but took away the games and collections menus, which held user installed games ...
lol... your jokeing right? it is called a optional software upgrade for a reason. you do not HAVE to flash your software. IF you intend on useing the optional vcast music then you will need to flash your software. Also your telling us that all six of ...
thats such bullshit! i dont see why you dont wait till you find out if that is certain. also why would you leave to go to less service just because of a feature that isnt even crucial to what a cell phone is for? you seem to be a very cheap person and...
100% illegal? What law is this breaking?

Flash machines will have v04 and v07 versions of the software on the phone. Employees are being instructed to inform the customer it will disable mp3 playback and it is reversible.
It's simple.....

You DON't HAVE to get the software update UNLESS you WANT the new service that is to be OFFERED to the USER of the handset.

You want to keep the MP3 ? Don't BUY the new SERVICE.
Good luck filing that suit. Too bad you won't win it. Because the VCast Music was not offered at the time of your handset purchase. And the feature of the MP3 was available. And besides And you are not required to take the software update to get ...
Ughhh.. WMA. Verizon is becoming less and less Mac compatible for me, unlike Sprint.

Only being able to play WMA files is the kind of crap you're going to have to deal with if your provider gets in bed with Microsoft. And Microsoft these days seems...
you must have a while left.........because didn't you just upgrade? 😕
Hey genius, before you go hoppin over to Sprint - no one is MAKING you take VCAST music. Leave your phone alone and continue to have MP3 capability. OR take the VCAST music and lose MP3. Simple choice. Or maybe - just maybe - you could take the VCA...
I've been saying the same thing in all my posts..well put !! I left Verizon for Sprint and am completely satisfied with their service. Bluetooth is uncrippled, the phone's original software is in tact, EVDO is way ahead of the game. I hope more peo...
Verizon is not going to make you get the software upgrade. It's up to you if you want it or not. They are not taking anything away from you unless you take your phone into a store and ask them to.
For some clarification on software upgrades for phones that take away certain functionalities: The manufacturer--(motorola, lg, etc...) are the ones that push new software to the carriers, when there is a change or a problem in a certain phone, the ma...
Ok i know the answer to your questions and hopefully to deter a lawsuit you sue happy people. You can have your vcast and pay for it to. Heres the deal - on your 8100 press menu + o - enter in the service code 000000 go down to 11. Music Settings - ...

Jan 11, 2006, 11:42 PM

This will hurt the service

Everyone loves to be able to download music to their phone, but to take away the ability to add music from your computer to your phone in mp3 version will deter some consumer, like me.

http://cellphones999.blogspot.com »
truongn2 said:
Everyone loves to be able to download music to their phone, but to take away the ability to add music from your computer to your phone in mp3 version will deter some consumer, like me.

http://cellphones999.blogspo »

Jan 14, 2006, 1:34 PM

Question on the 950

Just curious....the 8100 is on hold until Monday due to upgrading for MOD, but MOD will also be available on the 950, so why weren't they pulled to update too?

Jan 12, 2006, 2:19 PM

trekie alert

when are you people going to figure out that its a PHONE. none and i mean none of the carriers are going to let you do things for free. when they see you getting away with something the just set up something to stop you. i bet verizon execs are sitting back and just laughing at all of you sipping there tea. remember one thing, verizon is not american. all you patriots think of that when you pay your bill next time. i have said it before and ill say it again its funny reading the posts thats what keeps me coming back. enjoy your ignorance đŸ¤Ŗ đŸ¤Ŗ đŸ¤Ŗ
slauttr said:
when are you people going to figure out that its a PHONE. none and i mean none of the carriers are going to let you do things for free. when they see you getting away with something the just set up something to stop y
I agree that the most important thing about choosing a wireless service is the ability to make and recieve calls. The more places that you can make and recieve calls is/SHOULD be the number one factor in determining which provider you go with.

I gu...

Jan 12, 2006, 3:17 PM

Ringtones and external memory

1-Can you use your mp3s or wma files that you stored on your external memory (flash cards, mini flash and etc..) as your ringtones with the lg8100, sch950, moto e815, v710?

2-If someone has done it, how did you do it?

3- will the new ota update affect the ability to do this if it was possible?

4- I like monterey jack cheese best...have you ever had that on a grilled cheese (or toasted cheese- thats how they say it in lima, ohio.. đŸ¤Ŗ
I prefer provolone cheese myself.
You know your really poor when you make JAM sandwiches, where you take 2 peices of bread and JAM them together. LOL. Make sure you eat all your crust, cuz thats all your getting tonight.
1-Can you use your mp3s or wma files that you stored on your external memory (flash cards, mini flash and etc..) as your ringtones with the lg8100, sch950, moto e815, v710?

According to the User Manual NO! All you can do i...

Jan 12, 2006, 1:20 PM

Mp3 Usage

If you go on your phone under news then technology you will find an article about this an that you will be able to use the mp3 player.
Yeah, I heard Verizon is starting to backpedal on this one. If its true, then its a very good move on their part.

But I'm gonna take a 'Wait and see' attitude on this until it actually happens.

Jan 12, 2006, 1:33 AM

How much loss?

A big question is ... how much loss is there going to be when WM10 converts an MP3 to a WMA? I understand some people can tell the difference no matter how small the loss is, but I think if we get it out in the open the actual quality loss in hard numbers then people can make a determination to see how it affects them. SystemShock seems to be up on this since he is debating it so much, please inform us of the loss of quality, I can't find it anywhere on the internet how much quality is lost...

Is it like Black and White or Black and just one shade under Black so most people (target customers) can't tell the difference?

Jan 9, 2006, 5:11 PM

Guess I Won't Be Usin' VCast Music Then..

Way ta go, Verizon and Microsoft.What do y'all do for an encore, gargle stale peanut butter or set yourselves on fire wit' a crack pipe? đŸ˜ŗ

Guess my iPod ain't goin' away anytime soon. 'tween the 100 song limit on the ROKR, VCast Music's stoopid messin' over of mp3s, an' Sprint's alleyway robbery $2.50/song charge, seems like all the big carriers are screwin' the pooch when it comes to music downloads. Therefore, who needs 'em?
if you have mp3s, phones other than the upgraded verizon models and the ROKR still play an unlimited number of mp3s. the SE walkman phones do an excellent job of it too, even using the id3 tags to sort your music by artist and album. it will even play...
WMA I believe is a direct result of the patnership with MS since MS does not own the MP3 rights and VZW has to protect its vestments by haveing a DRM which will help prevent piracy and transfering of files without rights.
From what I've been trained (but not able to test) is that Windows Media Player will allow you to transfer any MP3 on your computer onto your VCast Music phone. During the transfer the files will be transfered to whatever the correct file format is. ...
does anyone at all understand what is trying to be said here? i see some broken up english, but i still cant really understand what you are trying to say... maybe you sould lay off that pipe cuz you make no sense

Jan 11, 2006, 12:40 PM

The breakdown of things

The offers (OTA):

Sprint: $2.50/song
Verizon: $1.99/song
Cingular/iTunes: N/A
Amp'd: $0.99/song

The offers (PC):
Sprint: N/A
Verizon: $0.99/song
Cingular/iTunes: $0.99/song
Amp'd: N/A ??

Arguments coming from people that don't like the "new" service:

The only one that beats Verizon is Amp'd for OTA.

MP3 Disabling-
Well, as stated on this board many times Media Player 10 will auto-convert your MP3 files into WMA files for playback. This includes downloaded MP3 files or ripped MP3 files from your own personal collection.

MP3 to WMA Lossy format?-
Personally, I don't know enough about digital music encoding to know if Media Player 10 would convert it at a loss of quality or would be able to keep the quality ...
wow. speechless đŸ˜ŗ
temp_name said:
MP3 to WMA Lossy format?-
Personally, I don't know enough about digital music encoding to know if Media Player 10 would convert it at a loss of quality or would be able to keep the quality the same, so I refuse to
this is just my opinion, but would the quality loss even be noticable on your small ass phone speakers or through headphones? I know the loss of quality might become more aparent if you are blaring music in your car stereo or rattling your windows wit...

Jan 9, 2006, 4:19 PM

Ruh roh Raggy.

Whose bright idea was this? Verizon or Microsoft?
microsoft told verizon to do it, thats what I heard
media player 10 will convert mp3 to WMA to the best of my knowledge. Post flash you phone will no longer support MP3 capabilities strictly WMAs

Jan 10, 2006, 12:35 PM

Reason for WMA requirement for Vcast Music

The reason VZW went with WMA is actually due to the digital copyright protection technology that WMA offers.
This is the reson that the music industry is so onboard with VZW's new service.

The only people that lose are the CHUCKLEHEADS who refuse to purchase anything legitimately and chose to pirate their entertainment.

VZW's new service blows every other service provider's offering out of the water from the word go. The music industry is so onboard with this service that at launch it will offer more songs than any other service has at the time of launch.

VZW's is the only product that gives the consumer the freedom to chose to download right from the handset or to go home to the PC and download it to the PC. The reason that the ...
Wow.. that sounded almost like a press release. đŸ˜ŗ

And it isn't even true. AAC format would've given Verizon DRM (digital rights managemnt).. its not like its a WMA-only thing, lol.

"The music industry is SO onboard with it"? Sure, they're o...
You're the most childish fanboy I've ever seen on these message boards.
DRM may be true, but there's no reason why they could not have added WMA to the existing setup. I don't play a single downloaded song on my ipod....ALL are ripped from by existing collection. BUT I still have the option to go to itunes and buy somethi...

Jan 9, 2006, 11:41 PM

What's the big deal?

It's like, oh they disabled an MP3 player on vx8000!!! 😲 I don't know about you, but i still have my 8000 somewhere (I have E815 now) with MP3s...
If you need it so badly - you can get it.

So now I have to use WMP10 to convert my mp3s to WMAs. It's going to take less then a minute for someone WHO KNOWS cellphones and computers well (or med/well 😎 ).

Besides FYI, WMA has a better compression rate (better or the same sound/less space).

The bottom line, if you don't like it, DON'T GET IT! It's not that hard. There's no such thing as a perfect cellphone of perfect service... For the geeks here, here's the math equation CELLPHONE+SERVICE=CONST 😉

Don't shoot me, I'm just the pianist, I play as well as I can 😎
Good answer like they said in the Cnet mobile article if you don't want the software update don't get it.
Anyone ever hear of that guy...umm...what's his name? Oh yeah...BILL FREAKIN' GATES and his WinBLOWS software! This software is the KING of hacks, patches, workarounds, you name it! But we have accepted it. (Well, not us Linux folks!) Sad to say, ...

Jan 10, 2006, 11:21 AM

MP3 players and formats

MP3 players can play multiple formats (ipod can play AAC, MP3; Creative Zen can play MP3 and WMA, etc), why can't the phone player?
jlatimer said:
MP3 players can play multiple formats (ipod can play AAC, MP3; Creative Zen can play MP3 and WMA, etc), why can't the phone player?

Because Microsoft insisted that the VCast Music-capable phones play on...

Jan 10, 2006, 1:08 PM


is this update obtained via *228 or do you have to go into the store and have it flashed? this is a big deal because I don't want my mom to have to choose between mp3s and current roaming updates.
I believe you'd have to go into the store, but let's hear from a Verizon rep on this one.

Jan 10, 2006, 10:47 AM


VZW did this with the Motorola V710 on the current firmware.

Hea Verizon GET OVER IT.

Maybe there will be a SEEM edit to re-enable this feature.
I'd be shocked if vzw unlocks something that they locked...

It's all about the $$$$$

Unless you can't b/c of the area you live in, get GSM, an unlocked phone and have all the features you want.

Jan 10, 2006, 11:19 AM

MP3 lockout temporary???

This is a quote from a story on Excite.com tech news page....

"Verizon dismissed accusations on certain Web logs that this decision was made for any ulterior profit motive such as forcing users to repurchase music through the V Cast store.

Instead, the company said, the MP3 capability was temporarily disabled so that it can be integrated into the V Cast application, rather than appearing as a separate application that might confuse customers.

Verizon Wireless also emphasized that the upgrade is voluntary: Customers who'd prefer to keep their current MP3 capabilities over an immediate upgrade to V Cast Music can wait until the next edition of the application is released at an undetermined date."

Interesting....maybe this is all ju...
Like Chris Rock said about MEN and their RIMS,

There SPINNING!!!!!!

Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin...
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