Palm Updates Palm OS Treo With Sleeker Looks
Comments 25
May 8, 2007, 11:00 PM by (staff)

Palm today announced the availability of the Treo 755p, the first CDMA Treo with an internal antenna. The 755p shares its design with the 750w except for a few small changes to the navigation keys, since the Palm OS does not use soft keys. It has the same features as the Treo 700p, currently sold on all major CDMA networks, including Bluetooth, a 1.3 Megapixel camera, Mini SD card slot and Palm OS 5.4.9. The new model will launch with Sprint in mid-May.
Blackberry is on an absolute role with new, modern phones that shame the 3 year old Treo design. I currently have a Treo 700w and have owned every generation of Treo prior to it. Unfortunately I will switch to something new since Palm hasn't even announced something that is even remotely competitive with Curve, 8830, Pearl or Blackjack. They continue to role out derivatives of the same old tired form factor.
Does anyone know something I don't know?
BrianC6796 said:
Blackberry is on an absolute role with new, modern phones that shame the 3 year old Treo design. I currently have a Treo 700w and have owned every generation of Treo prior to it. Unfortunately I will switch to so
No Rev. A??
Whats the point? Stick with your 700p
The 700p is so freakin' buggy though! I think this edition (755p) will work out some of the kinks that users dealt with on the 700p.
Is this phone coming to Verizon?
So, I am ready to upgrade and am wondering if I should wait for the 755p or just buy the 700p. I use Mac comp and want a camera smartphone . So is this phone coming to Verizon and if so when? I have read that Sprint & VZ take turns on releasing
Will it have sprint music store and sprint TV
I just got the Moto Q and was told by the store rep it had music and TV. It did not tale me long to figure out that it does not have the sprint music store of Sprint TV, what were they thinking. The phone rep told me that the treo 700p does have those features, now I saw this tonight. So I think I will just wait a week or 2 and exchange the Q which should be the X for the palm 750p and hope that it has the music store and vision picture's. It looks like the only thing it need is Wi fi, or does anyone know if Palm has wi fi built in?
yes, the 755p does have Sprint TV, but not music Store. it will not have(to my knowledge) wi fi, but with the EVDO network, who needs it? you do still have the option i'm sure of getting an SD wifi card. however... i'd say take a look at the 700p a...
So in other words is a 700p without an external antenna. Great job Palm, you really know how to innovate.
Yep, I definetly concur!!!
Hopefully sales figures will force them to rethink they're ways, and perhaps 2008 will cause them to make drastic changes!!!. . . . .Hopefully!!!