Another Entry Level 3G Phone For Cingular On Horizon
Comments 19
May 10, 2007, 1:43 PM by (staff)

The FCC today approved the Samsung SGH-A617. This clamshell phone looks like the C417 for Cingular but with slightly more angular lines and 3G. Although the model number, as well as the fact that it has quad-band GSM/EDGE and 850/1900 WCDMA all point to a launch on Cingular's network, the manual included in the filing does not corroborate this. The A617 also features Bluetooth, a camera and a large external display.
Must be nice...
How is it that I work for Cingular (now the new AT&T) and I never know about these phones being carried until they show up on Soooo annoying, but I digress...
lol me too but the reason is when they say they are going to get a model phone it never happens or happens so far off you forgot about it lol then on top of it they slash all the features but i guess thats my opionion
Waiting to Stink...
This looks like another one of those Samsung phones that's just not going to make it. Sorta like the 347. This line of phones just isn't durable and lack high demand features like the OBEX bluetooth profiles. I'm not amazed.
are we sure this phone is still comming? It was approved back in November and has yet to be seen on any Samsung nomenclature (even the unnanounced a517 and a737 are).
What do you mean? 😕
Are you sure you know what "nomenclature" means? 😉