Sprint Debuts On-Phone Shopping Tool
Comments 17
Sep 13, 2007, 10:19 AM by (staff)
updated Nov 10, 2007, 5:57 PM
Beginning today, Sprint data subscribers can use the new Mobile Shopper service to buy products from 30 online retailers directly from their phones. Users can search, compare prices, check inventory, email and share item information, as well as make a purchase. The tool is accessed by typing "shop" into the Sprint web browser. Users must set up an account tied to a credit card, which can be done from their phone or on a PC. The service itself is free to use.
Sprint »
A thought...
I look forward to hearing a news story about someone getting in a car accident and having to explain to the police officer that they weren't paying attention because they were shopping for a DVD player.
so you look forward to someone getting hurt due to their own stupidity... Just another thought, people get in wrecks over their phone no matter what services a provider offer
Sep 13, 2007, 10:28 AM
earthshattering??? no Interresting??? Yes
well being able to purchase products from your phone is a great tool. take for instance someone not being able to access internet service due to no one providing it. They can use their phone to access the site they want to purchase something on, eas...
This Is AMAZING!!!
or at least it would be if sprint had any phones worth leaving at&t over... 😛
RAZR2. I know AT&T has it too, but when you combine RAZR2 with a Sprint SERO plan... Sprint can't be beat!
I only care if Newegg is on there!