Varioptic's Liquid Lenses Coming In Q3
Mar 14, 2008, 11:27 AM by Eric M. Zeman
updated Mar 14, 2008, 11:42 AM
Varioptic and Seiko struck an agreement to jointly develop, manufacture and market liquid lenses for cell phones. Seiko has the ability to ramp up production quickly and at low cost. The two firms believe they can offer Variotic liquid camera lenses to handset makers by the third quarter of 2008. They will focus on the Arctic 314 and Arctic 416 liquid lenses, which rate 5 megapixels in 0.33-inch and 0.25-inch modules. Liquid lenses offer some improvements over conventional lenses in that they are faster and use less power. Their speed, in particular, will improve the quality of video captured by camera phones.
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