Report: T-Mobile to Offer Android Phone Before Christmas
Comments 25
Aug 15, 2008, 7:46 AM by Eric M. Zeman
According to informed sources cited by the New York Times, T-Mobile USA will be the first network operator to launch a phone running the Android platform. The Times' sources said the phone would be manufactured by HTC, and could be available as early as October. It will feature a touch screen and a sideways slide-out keyboard, which is a design used by HTC on its other smartphones. Google, the company behind Android, and T-Mobile did not comment on the details.
Reuters »
Android Phone
What is an Anrdoid Phone? Can anyone explain please?
watch this
Not to put your hopes down,
We won't see the Android Phone any earlier than mid December, if that even.
Google may be ready, but T-mobile simply is not. they still have many bugs to work out with it so they want to make sure its at 99% before launch.
(no phone works at %100)
How would you know that TMo is not ready?
I also forgot to mention the main reason it's been pushed back is b/c of the 3G launch. The Andriod Phone will be 3G(as well has touchscreen with a slide out keypad). They want to have 3G up and running because w/o 3G the phone will be slow, and we a...
can be found online under T-mobile dream
appearently thats the code working title for the phone if you google image search it comes right up
These are not the droids your looking for......... I kinda just always wanted to say that and have it be in context with the convo
T-Mobile U.S. Exclusive to last 1 week:
Way to go TM!
Nice, I would love to see these phones, and I hope the other carriers pick them up. More choices is always good.
early reports say Sprint is next. I'm not a tmob man but it is good to see that they are first to get this phone. their employees and customers need the change. go t-mo!