T-Mobile Offers Business Customers UMA Service
Feb 6, 2009, 9:03 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Today T-Mobile and technology partner Meru Networks announced a new enterprise offering that resembles its Hotspot @Home service. Businesses that use T-Mobile's wireless service, but have poor indoor coverage, can take advantage of T-Mobile's UMA technology for improved indoor coverage. UMA-capable handsets, which must have Wi-Fi on board, will be able to switch between cell networks and internal, secure enterprise Wi-Fi networks for calling, just as T-Mobile's Hotspot @Home allows users to improve coverage in their home. Since businesses will most likely have more than one access point, Meru's enterprise WLAN's "share a single channel blanket, using controller-based Air Traffic coordination to avoid AP-to-AP roaming." Details about pricing and exact availability were not provided.