Samsung's First Wimax Device Spotted
Mar 26, 2009, 3:05 PM by Eric M. Zeman

Today Samsung shared details on the unannounced SWD-M100 Mondi mobile Wimax device for the Clear network. According to Samsung, the Mondi has a touch screen and can access the Internet via Clear's mobile Wimax network. Based on the picture seen via Samsung's RSS feed, the Mondi has a slide-up screen that reveals a four-row QWERTY keyboard, similar to the Nokia N810 Internet tablet. It also has a D-pad and several function buttons placed on the front face of the device. Samsung and Clear have not announced this device, and it is not known when it will come to market. Samsung claims it is the first handheld Wimax device in the U.S.
source: Samsung
well see...
Nokia N810 Internet tablet is worthless imo.
xxsmartphonexx said:
these type of devices are only as good as the internet browser that is installed on them.
Nokia N810 Internet tablet is worthless imo.
Opera browser? That was in the last known specs.
OQO please release ur Wimax+GSM combo
Very Interesting.
Versed said:
Seems like a good device, be nice if was running symbian or android, later preferably. Devices like this can really make WiMax or LTE soar. I just hope its just not vaporware.
Little is known on this ...