Verizon Agrees to Shorten Exclusivity Period to Six Months
Jul 17, 2009, 10:39 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Today Verizon Wireless informed government agencies that it will shorten the period of time that it is the exclusive seller of certain handsets. Verizon said that it will restructure its agreements with handset makers, and will allow smaller, regional carriers with less than 500,000 customers the opportunity to sell handsets after an exclusive period of six months. Smaller carriers have petitioned the government to look into the exclusivity contracts, and say they give the larger carriers a competitive advantage over smaller carriers. The federal government is currently reviewing the practice.
Apple will NEVER sell the iPhone on Verizon
if Verizon let Apple have the iTunes app store then why would they force Blackberry to take out its app store for the Verizon store?
so all I have to say is NANANANANAA 🤣 😛
And your right Apple has the 1# app store but the BB app store was only launched a few months ago where Apples...
murmermer said:...
Apple has the #1 app store in the world- why would Apple take its own app store off of its phone and put a Verizon controlled app store on the iPhone?
if Verizon let Apple have the iTunes app store then why would
Verizon becomes the leader again...
Smart moves on VZW's par...
Big ups.
another reason for me to hate verizon even more.
Verizon wants the iphone so badly that they are doing anything they can, even if it takes to sell their soul (in this case their exclusivity agreements) to get it.
the_eraser said:...
By doing this (in a passive/aggressive way) they'll be forcing AT&T to follow, so that they don't look bad. I hope AT&T doesn't fall for this and actually extends the contract with apple for at least 5 more years.
By voluntarily changing the way agreements are made, they are making it that much harder for the government to mandate changes.
the_eraser said:...
By doing this (in a passive/aggressive way) they'll be forcing AT&T to follow, so that they don't look bad. I hope AT&T doesn't fall for this and actually extends the contract with apple for at least 5 more years.
Well, when you consider...
The storm also was a huge commercial success, no matter how much people on phone scoop hated it. Well over a million customers bought it ...
bluecoyote said:
Verizon's "exclusive" phones have all been critical or commercial failures, it makes sense. I don't think Sprint or AT&T are exactly pining for a Blackberry Storm 🤣
Wow! You never learn 😲 Loo...
Actual Letter From Verizon To The Fed
The Honorable Rick Boucher
Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet
House Committee on Energy and Commerce
U.S. House of Representatives
2187 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Chairman Boucher:
Last February, a group of 24 small wireless providers asked Verizon Wireless to eliminate long-term exclusive handset agreements with LG and Samsung. We agreed to do so for those small providers. Today I am writing to reaffirm that commitment and to let you know that Verizon Wireless is taking an even bolder step to transform exclusive handset arrangements. Effective immediately for small wireless carriers (those with 500,000 customers or less), any new exclusiv...
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