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Obama Bans Federal Employees from Texting and Driving

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Oct 1, 2009, 2:55 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Today President Obama signed an executive order that prohibits employees of the federal government from sending text messages while driving a government vehicle, when using a government-issued device in their own vehicle, or when driving on official government business. The government also plans to ban truck drivers from using cell phones while driving, which includes texting and placing voice calls. Cell phone use will be permitted only during emergencies. The ban goes into effect immediately for government workers, but the ban for truck drivers needs to be enacted into law first. The idea is to make roads in the U.S. safer by forcing government and truck drivers to pay attention to the task of driving, rather than using their cell phones.

New York Times »



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SS EarlGoodman

Oct 2, 2009, 10:32 AM

this freaking president...

I swear.. Does this guy just watch the news and say "hey, I think I should do something about this texting and driving I've been hearing about." what a douche.

How about trying to pass a law keeping women from doing their makeup in their rear view mirror, or stop people from eating micky D's while driving. I fully understand that it is dangerous to text/talk while driving, and sure if you want to keep government property/employees from doing it by all means go ahead. But truck drivers, really?

These guys stay up for hours on end often spending prolonged periods of time away from their familys and you want to keep them from talking to their loved ones, or from falling asleep?

If you're going to keep people from talking while drivi...
Perhaps he should ban 5th graders from posting to message boards when they are supposed to be in school.
Everything you have stated requires something called "common sense" and our president has NONE. He studied Constitutional Law and creates "executive orders" like this one! what a DEUCHE!!
SS EarlGoodman said:
These guys stay up for hours on end often spending prolonged periods of time away from their familys and you want to keep them from talking to their loved ones, or from falling asleep?

That's o...
So many opinions in such a little place will always result in name calling, insulting and simply put, down right stupid comments.

For example, I agree with some of what WiWavelength says. Then again, he seems like a atheist. Thats probably why the ...

Oct 2, 2009, 11:46 AM

Idiots of America

As we all know there are a lot of stupid people that we all deal with day to day. And unfortunately, they all probably drive. Now with that in mind imagine those people with a cell phone in there hand. Now imagine them texting! That is very scary to me. I don't think the government should put a ban on it at all, but if I want to feel safer with my daughter and with me on the road I am willing to give up that right. Not because I want to but because of the morons. And I am not happy about it, but id sacrifice my right to call someone or text someone (who can wait till I pull over) for the safety of myself and others.
so you work for the government or you're a truckdriver?
So you agree that YOU (60dollarcarcharger) are too stupid and too irresponsible to make your own decisions about what you should do in the car?

Go be a sheep in some other country and stop messing with my freedom
...they can even procreate. I suppose it is only a matter of time until their ability to reproduce is restricted as well.

You are more than welcome to give your freedom away. But not mine.

Oct 1, 2009, 11:26 PM

Free Country...???

I done my time in the military and was once proud to say I did, and for my loved ones I still am, but for the lawmakers and our new "leader", the closet muslim, I can't say that anymore. I may be offending people as I speak but I don't care, I'm using free speech while I can before they take that away too.

I can see why people want to ban cell phone use in the car but this is supposed to be a free country. Some people don't need to using a cell phone behind the wheel and there are some that don't need to even touch the radio. But I also understand that if you're able to drive a car you should have enough common sense to know what is safe and when. Mommy isn't there to watch you all the time. But because some make the mistake by havin...
...people remember the ideals this Nation was founded upon. First, this guy isn't a closet Muslim...just as Liberal as one could possibly be. (Isn't that bad enough?) This thing where those on the right hammer at something which isn't true and even ...
Your long winded acticle makes no sense, employers can stop you from doing anything they want. If they want you only to wear red socks then thats what you have to do, why? They pay you. So if any gov't employee has a problem with Obama's new law th...
did anyone else stop reading and realize how much of a moron he was when he said "closet muslim"
..it pisses me off that this country takes away my freedom to drink and drive. 🙄
Let me clarify, first the spelling error to the spelling nazi's it is while. Texting and driving is a threat to public safety and I understand the OP's position on how ppl just shouldn't be dumb to begin with. Well there are alot of dumb ppl out the...
Good for you, Its sad to see something you fought so hard for go to $h!t, at any rate thanks for serving this country, still #1 but its tripping up..

so were you a buck private in the Army?

Your writing and scathing remarks toward President Obama seem to indicate I am right!
Kudos, man. Hit the head on the nail, and don't worry about ranting in a phone forum about politics... because you are 100% right. I am glad there are those out there that see this happening.
Azeron said:
I just feel it was an unnecessary distraction from the main point of your post, honestly.

Unnecessary, but very revealing of the type of person he is.

I for one like it when people proudly wear their...
cellgeek82 said:
I done my time in the military and was once proud to say I did, and for my loved ones I still am, but for the lawmakers and our new "leader", the closet muslim, I can't say that anymore.

"I done my ...

Oct 2, 2009, 9:34 AM

Ben Franklin Says

"those willing to sacrafice liberties for security deserve neither"
Times change.

I gladly scarifice my 79 cent lighter when i get on a plane to feel more secure that someone else isnt bringing something on that can blow us up in the air.

If you'd like I can try to find really old quotes about how the earth is...
zzyo90 said:
"those willing to sacrafice liberties for security deserve neither"

Actually, Ben Franklin says, "Do not misrepresent me. I know how to spell. And I do not take quotes 250 years out of context."

The sad part is that there are people who truly believe that the government is better able to think for them than they themselves are. These people are always the first to look to the government to solve their problems for them. Folks the government...
I think that quote pertains more to the "partiot" act than this issue.

Oct 2, 2009, 7:50 AM

To those who say it's not fair?

I want to know if you also disagree with having to have insurance on a vehicle is wrong.
What about having to wear seat belts(exception to the one state with no seat belt law, and to GA for their pick-up exception). What about drinking and driving? Can any of you explain why you tolerate these laws, but anything about a cell phone 'violates' your rights.

Second question, would it make a difference if it was just texting that was banned and that handless was ok?
To answer the above stated questions, Insurance on a vehicle should be an option for YOUR own benefit. Wearing a seatbelt, it is for YOUR own safety. Drinking and driving, that is against YOUR own well being.

How many people do not get insurance to...
Well I guess that we will not be able to talk to other passengers while driving next. What about blinking? Will I be able to do that? What if my kids are yelling and i am driving. You are already trying to tell me that I am not allowed to spank them, ...
Dont get me started abotu seat bealts. I do not think that we should be forced to wear them. The reason I say this is because of motorcycles. Whats more dangerous riding a motorcycle or riding in a car without seatbelts? If seatbelts are a law the...
These are people looking for any reason to complain.

When you explain that studies show that texting/talking while driving can be worse than driving while intoxicated - they dismiss it.

When you explain that this applies only to Federal employee...

Oct 4, 2009, 3:41 PM

repeal this law

repeal this law and don't stop there, take away the helmet law for motorcycles and seat belt law while your at it.

We're a country of rights and freedom to do our own retarded actions, regardless if our retarded asses kill and maim other citizens...we should be free to drink and drive too, and who knows when we're feeling freaky run naked in the streets on a mushroom induced hallucination trip.

After all, it's a free country right? RIGHT? RIGHT???

Can I get an AMEN?!
Ugh, no

Oct 2, 2009, 3:01 PM

Crazy President!!! My freedoms!!! Random 300 year old quotes!! Truck drivers need to text!!! Nooo!!!

Some of these posts are over dramatic... more level heads seem to be handling them nicely so I won't be too prolix. I'll just add this video to the mix as it's pretty pertinent to the convo:

http://viralvideochart.unrulymedia.com/break/dont_te ... »

Discuss amongst yourselves.
That video was disturbing, but in a good way.
nero said:
Some of these posts are over dramatic... more level heads seem to be handling them nicely so I won't be too prolix. I'll just add this video to the mix as it's pretty pertinent to the convo:

http://viralvideochart.unr »

Oct 3, 2009, 12:52 PM

Obama takes office, this is just the beginning...

My fellow Americans,

Upon the election of our new President, Barack Obama, many of you (even conservatives) encouraged me to give our new leader a chance. I agreed with that request. I did my best to believe (maybe out of naivety) that despite his record, I would support our new President. Today I must announce that I rescind that support. The fact of the matter is that within days of his administration, President Obama has made dastardly executive orders that only prove his record as the most liberal United States Senator.

Today Obama is expected to sign a Presidential executive order that lifts the ban (placed by the George W. Bush administration) on overseas abortion funding. One day after the 36th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade cou...

Oct 2, 2009, 4:53 PM

voice of reason: inattentive driving laws

Most states have long had inattentive driving laws. Yet most states have augmented these inattentive driving laws w/ intoxicated driving laws, even though intoxicated driving can already be considered a form of inattentive driving.

Why? What gives?

Unfortunately, intoxicated driving is a very common, premeditated form of inattentive driving. So, it deserves special attention.

Visual cellphone usage while driving is becoming an undeniably common, premeditated form of inattentive driving. So, it, too, may deserve special attention.

What is the problem w/ this proaction, people?

Before anyone claims states' rights, think before you speak or write. Sadly, states are frequently not right; rather, they are subject to the whim...
I'm curious if these same arguements took place when they banned drinking and driving, or set up Legal Limits.

Oct 1, 2009, 9:43 PM

Easy Conclusion

When you get off work, pull out the cell phone that you pay for and use that one. If you are using their property then follow their rules. Use your own device and problem solved.
First of all, there is no problem with a ban on government employees. The second part of the article speaks on a ban on truck drivers using their cell phones and they are not government employees. The federal government does not have the authority t...

Oct 2, 2009, 11:43 AM

And how, again, is talking on the cell phone worse than talking to the person sitting next to you?

People get all "mommy attitude" about cell phone use while driving, but it's completely ridiculous. What's the difference between talking on your cell phone and talking to the person sitting next to you? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Perhaps we should also ban more than one person per car - that way we can guarantee that no one is distracted by talking to someone next to them. Next we should ban kids in cars at all - if you've ever seen a bored or rambunctious 6 year old in the back seat, there's no doubt *that's* more distracting than a simple phone call.

Then let's ban radios in the car - could be a distraction. And food. And driving while there's ice or snow on the road.

Then someone will come out with a study that says that the m...
Here is the difference as I see it. When I am talking to the person in the car with me, we are both aware of our surroundings, talking about other drivers, the scenery etc. We are both in the same place so to speak.

When I am talking to someone o...

Oct 2, 2009, 12:51 PM

Article Summary is Wrong

Article Summary says "The government also plans to ban truck drivers from using cell phones while driving, which includes texting and placing voice calls."

But from another source - http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/913878 1/Obama_bars_fed_workers_from_texting_and_dri ving

"LaHood also announced that his department would ban text messaging altogether, *restrict* cell phone use by truck and interstate bus drivers"

Oct 2, 2009, 11:59 AM

Congratulations Teamsters

Way to get behind the huge fraud that is liberalism. The only thing that liberals are liberal about is a healthy dose of over regulations and laws. I have several truckers coming in to the store quite a bit and they are great customers who use the phone alot while they are driving. Obama is trying to make it illegal for them to do so even with the use of bluetooth headsets. So, Congratulations Teamsters, you have bullied all the companies around with your mob like mentality, and now you have been bullied out of your rights.

Oct 2, 2009, 11:45 AM

Idiots of America

As we all know there are alot of stupid people that we all deal with day to day. And unfortunatly, they all probably drive. Now with that in mind imagine those people with a cell phone in there hand. Now imagine them texting! That is very scary to me. I don't think the government should put a ban on it at all, but if I want to feel safer with my daughter and with me on the road I am willing to give up that right. Not becasue I want to but because of the morons. And I am not happy about it, but id sacrafice my right to call someone or text someone (who can wait till I pull over) for the safty of myself and others.

Oct 1, 2009, 4:13 PM


Hell whats nexts? People can now not talk on their phones while driving? What if the trucker has the blue tooth? What Obama should ban should be woman doing their make up while driving, Or men shaving while drinking. Or how about the awsomly great people who think they can read a map of read a book? How about one better why don't we crack down on people drinking while they are driving? Our "President" Is a real DA
Years ago when the first local laws were being passed near where I live, I stated that that there are some problems with these types of laws: 1. They are a violation of our Constitutional Right of freedom of speech; 2. What if I drive around with a ...
I actually like the fact that our president has issued this ban on "Government Employees".

These people represent us when it comes down to it. What good is a Government Representative that falls subject to the same dangers we are trying to avoid? ...
I'm glad to know that they blocked cell use from truckers. I'm also glad that they forgot about miss prissy the 16 year old teenybopper who uses it all the time vs the truck driver that probably doesnt even have one.

What a joke. Its not truck dr...
You don't appear to be one of those people that thinks before actually opening up their mouths.

The only two drivers I am afraid of on the road are either drunk or talking on their damn cell phone. I cannot even begin to count all the times that...
Wow, ruler goddess, what a sad commentary on the American educational system you are. If you don't like our president then get the hell out because nobody wants or needs you here. At the very least, learn some spelling skills and proper sentence struc...
How about posting stupid crap on a message board, skippy.

Oct 2, 2009, 9:53 AM

Mixed Feelings.

When my father took me out driving prepping me for driving, He told me that I could do everything right behind the wheel and still get killed because of some idiot not paying attention. It was solely my responsibility to be alert and aware what is going on around me. A year and a half ago, my niece was seriously injured and almost died due to some bonehead going through a red light. He was not texting but was grabbing for a Big Mac in the bag.

My point is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I want what makes the roads safer, However I really think it is going to be really tough to crackdown on a ban of texting, talking or any other distraction going on in a vehicle since most are doing it.

More people are driving now...
I missed the part in the constitution that covered cell phone use while driving.

My buddy has a Toyota Prius. He can not program the nav system while the car is moving. I guess Toyota is smarter than most of the idiots opposed to this cell phone ...

Oct 1, 2009, 7:02 PM

Leave your damn phone alone and drive your car.

It's not that hard to do. I am a phone geek just as the rest of you, but I only text at red lights. Do you know how dangerous it is? Leave your phone alone and send a tweet later. It's not that big of a deal.

This is why the NTSB says 13 people die every minute on US roadways. Think about that.

and Leave your damn CD's alone, too. Grow up.
I can agree with banning texting and driving, but certainly not talking on a bluetooth headset and driving. Are they also going to ban talking to the passengers in your vehicle as well?

Oct 1, 2009, 10:33 PM

This whole time.... it was THAT easy to do?

I mean a simple executive order to establish the first step towards getting drivers to stop doing things that keep them from paying attention to the road?

Oct 1, 2009, 6:55 PM

No Second Term

As long as he has exhausted whatever political currency he had on health care reform, I suppose he may as well push other legislation that has no chance of passing as well.
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