Sprint and Samsung Further Green Efforts with Restore
Comments 15
Apr 20, 2010, 9:02 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Updated: added price, changed headline

Sprint and Samsung today announced the new Restore, a phone made from recycled materials. Samsung says that 84% of the Restore's materials can be recycled at the end of the device's life and it comes with an Energy Star rated charger. It features a sideways slide-out QWERTY keyboard, 2 megapixel camera with video capture, optical joystick, and support for microSD cards up to 32GB. Other features include stereo Bluetooth and navigation support. The Restore will become available later this summer for $50 after rebates with new agreement.
Sprint could care less about being "green". Just today we had to reprint 5 pages worth of price tags that were to just printed out two days ago. We had to reprint them because one of the price tags (out of about 50) had a typo.
This mandate went out to the 4000+ Sprint stores. That is over 20,000 pages of paper wasted.
I said it before, and I'll say it again. The only green these companies care about is how much green they think they will make by suckering environmentally conscious customers into believing that Sprint actually gives a damn about the environment.
Actually, Sprint didn't require anyone to reprint all the price tags. It is possible to just print one page, instead of all of them. After all, you're the boss of what the computer prints out!
...So it sounds to me like Sprint isn't the hypocrite.....
why spint?
i just dont understand why sprint is making these type of phones if no one buys them
It's because people do buy them. This phone is going to be a big seller.
I like the "green" effort, but it feels kind of lame.
I don't know. I still don't know who is buying these phones and why there is such a seeming demand for "green" phones.
And as far as I know, and I am more often wrong then not, but doesn't it consume more natural resources to recycle than it does to make new phones out of new material?
noone is buying them it's a sprint phone! 🤣 Soon the results for yet another failing quarter for sprint will be out, get ready for a good laugh! Lost another million POST PAID customers but signed up 100,000 boost customers 🤣
i agree. we sell a pretty good amount of the phones but not because of the green effort 🙄
I hope and think Sprint will rebound
I am loving there 69.00 Dollar Everything Data plan best deal going for what ya get plus I get an additional discount go Sprint! They have improved. Verizon&Att are rip offs and Tmobile still has spottier coverage!
im with ya there!! i switched from verizon to sprint and i love it so far and their customer service really isnt that bad.. i personally think verizon is very over rated!!