Adobe to Give Up On iPhone Development Tools
Apr 21, 2010, 7:33 AM by Eric M. Zeman
In a blog post, Adobe's Mike Chambers said that due to a change made by Apple in the iPhone developer program license, it will no longer invest in Flash CS5 for the iPhone. Flash CS5 is a set of tools created by Adobe that lets developers target the iPhone and iPod Touch. Adobe will still support the tools, but does not plan to make any further investments in making it better. Instead, Chambers said, "I am going to shift all of my mobile focus from iPhone to Android based device." Chambers believes that Flash Player 10.1 and Air 2.0 for mobile will prove their worth in the market once they are released. Adobe is currently offering a beta trial of both Flash Player 10.1 and Air 2.0.
QUOTE: Apple to Adobe: "Someone Has It Backwords"
Certain irony to all of you iPhone haters- the iPhone is making a giant leap forward for open development- solely because Apple is putting their foot down with Adobe's Flash crap. It's Apple making this push- Google can't decide whether or not it likes Flash.
(Also, although Flash for desktop is mature, Flash for mobile most certainly is not. HTML 5 is far ahead of Flash in the mobile world.)
Why do most smartphones support HTML5 and not Flash???
WHY are most phones, in fact ALL phones incompatible with flash right now?
Could it maybe have something to do with the possibility that Steve Jobs was right when he called Adobe "lazy"?
Just throwing it out there for everyone to chew on...
Webkit doesn't get the emotional love that F...
Apple has something up their sleeve
html5 might be the future, but it's still several years from ...
What about the iPhone makes people DEMAND flash/adobe support??
This company, you know, the one you hate but care so so so so so much about, it doesn't care about you. Honestly, it doesn't. Apple cares about the people who are spending money on their products. And most of the iPhones critics don't own an iPhone... weird.
I know your feelings are hurt because Apple is not doing exactly what you are telling them to do but you really need to get over it.
The mentality Apple has "We built the product, we designed the OS, in fact, we are so confident in our process that we would like you to use the tools we have provided to develop for the one platform you can actually make money on"
I sell T-Mobile and I see NO flash support currently or planned ...
Adobe belongs nowhere near platform development- period.
But let's look at the facts here-
1) Flash CS5 doesn't follow nor encourage developers to follow ANY iPhone interface guidelines.
2) Flash CS5's iPhone compiler was horribly inefficient. Take a look at the Flash CS5 applications on the iTunes App Store. They're nowhere near as good as native apps.
So that's right upfront. Now, let's look at this:
3) Adobe's track record with updates is abysmal - Adobe didn't even release Intel-native versions of its Creative Suite for 2 years after the transition was anno...
I can't find any argument whatsoever to this.
I guess Apple has pissed off the wrong company. I really wonder what is truly going one.