SanDisk Reveals Tiny New Memory Cards for Phones
Comments 2
Feb 28, 2004, 12:10 PM by (staff)

SanDisk this week introduced T-Flash, a new type of memory card designed specifically for mobile phones. The new format is smaller than any previous format, at only 11mm x 15mm - less than half the size of a SIM card. Motorola has committed to supporting the format accross its product range, including the new A1000 and E1000 3G phones, and the upcoming V710 CDMA model. Initial capacities will range from 32MB to 128MB. An adapter will allow the cards to be used in SD card slots.
Stupid idea!
With users of the P800 and P900 discovering to their horror that these phones cap the memory stick memory to a max of 128Meg, we now have yet another miniature storage 'standard' that offers nothing new and in fact sends us backwards. People want at least a Gig of storage for contact info, music, photos and even computer backups. And the physical size of this new media is pointless. For a phone to be practical, it needs to be of a certain physical size and today's storage media such as Memory Stick (full size), SD Card and even compact flash offer massive capacity and would fit in most phone form factors. This is once again an example of the industry trying to introduce a new format for their own profit. SD card is the most aesthetically ple...
If you read the article, it states that INITIAL capacity. Just like hwen SD first came out it only had 8, 16 and 32 meg. Now if 32 was the largest and now its up to 512... what about this starting at 128 and in the future possibly 512...1024 etc... I'...