Phones Used For ATM Withdrawals
Apr 26, 2002, 12:21 PM by (staff)
NCR Corporation, AU-System and beamtrust a/s today announced a pilot project enabling consumers to obtain cash from a traditional automated teller machine (ATM) using a mobile phone. The live pilot project is taking place in Denmark and involves cash withdrawals from three ATMs. The consumer is able to initiate the transaction process prior to approaching the ATM, choosing the transaction type, amount and account details. At the ATM, the consumer enters the security personal identification number into the mobile phone and the transaction details are transmitted to the ATM via infrared. The ATM processes the transaction and dispenses the cash. The Danish pilot is the first time a mobile phone is being used to withdraw cash in a live environment at a traditional ATM rather than a concept model.
source: NCR, AU, beamtrust
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