Republic Wireless to Expand Availability, Intro New Tech
Mar 21, 2012, 11:15 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Republic Wireless indicated recently in a blog post that the company is going to accept more customers starting later this year. Republic, an MVNO that uses Sprint's network, launched in late 2011 with the promise of delivering unlimited everything for $19 per month. Republic Wireless uses a combination of cellular data and Wi-Fi to pass VoIP-based calls through the internet rather than through traditional voice networks. It named the technology Hybrid Calling. The company has been in a closed beta (which it called "a success") and now says it will expand its beta this summer. The company also said that it will introduce a new Wi-Fi to cellular handover technology in May, as well as tools to help people save on their cell phone bills. Republic offers service only on a version of the LG Optimus, which has optimized with its software.
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