Verizon Wireless Sued Over V710 Bluetooth Limitations
Jan 17, 2005, 1:23 PM by (staff)
Verizon Wireless is being sued in a California court for "willful, deceptive and oppressive conduct" in limiting the Bluetooth functionality of the Motorola V710. The suit was filed by law firm Kirtland & Packard, who is seeking class-action status for the suit. While the V710 supports three Bluetooth profiles, it does not inlcude the OBEX profile, which would allow users to exchange files between the phone and other devices. The suit claims Verizon misled users by advertising that the phone can "connect to your PC or PDA whenever and wherever you want". Verizon spokeswoman Brenda Raney claims the limitation is required by the company's agreements with BREW software developers. Meanwhile, Bluetooth SIG executive director Michael Foley spoke out against Verizon, saying "[We are] very disappointed in this (Verizon's) implementation decision and believes [sic] many consumers who purchased [the V710] for the Bluetooth capabilities are frustrated and confused as a result." In response, the SIG plans a new "best of breed" designation for Bluetooth phones that implement Bluetooth functionality beyond the most basic profiles.
Rock and a Hard Place
Oh and the statement, "connect to your PC or PDA whenever and wherever you want." That's true--> you can connect to your PC or PDA to connect to the internet, that's is all. When I read that statement I don't automatically assume in can connect to my pc or pda to UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD OBJECTS.
schnozejt said:...
Seems like VZW was stuck in between BREW developers and customers; VZW would been sued either way, for example if the V710 had full all profiles enabled then VZW would of been sued by the BREW developers.
Oh and
schnozejt said:...
Seems like VZW was stuck in between BREW developers and customers; VZW would been sued either way, for example if the V710 had full all profiles enabled then VZW would of been sued by the BREW developers.
Kirtland & Packard Has Got Nothing
People get upset when their lack of knowledge or assumptions slaps 'em in the face. Just realize and be happy that VZW made most people smarter consumers--> next time you read "connects to your pc or pda," you will QUESTION "to do what?" Next time you see a product w/ a special feature you might research that special feature untill you fully understand all of its parameters.
But back to the point, Kirtland & Packard have no evidence; they will get an "A" for effort.
VZW deserves to be sued. They are cooks, plain and simple, and they exist solely to screw people out of...
Maybe they have not heard but the phone has been disabled.
When I ques...
Verizon should be shut down, but this is a good start.
... and knew that almost all other BT phones could send files back and forth over BT.....
What would you assume?
Verizon is the crooks of the wireless industry. From locking people out of their own phones with BREW ("Screw You Now" Services... that offer no benefit to the consumer over Java) , to lying about their service "America's Best Network" , I hope Verizon gets their rear handed to them on a golden platter.
petemcroy said:...
If you saw: "use bluetooth to connect your phone to your PC or PDA"
... and knew that almost all other BT phones could send files back and forth over BT.....
What would you assume?
Verizon is the crooks of
Shortly after that there were t-shirts in Seat...
Moto V710
joachim said:It is a good phone. Excellent reception, a beautiful interior screen, and nice audio quality are just a few of its feat...
all this talk about this phone, makes me want to buy one. 😁 sounds like a good phone
Just a quick question...
I really have nothing against it, post away. I'm glad for all that find this topic so fascinating. But really, and I'm being serious, hasn't everything that there was to cover been covered already, like, more than once?
Just curious...
Why sue when you can switch?
The V710 isnt *that* great of a phone, nor is Verizon that great of a carrier. Sounds like someone has a bit too much time on their hands.
This is the reason for disabling bluetooth capabilities!!!!
bkw79 said:...
If Verizon enabled file transfer with bluetooth, people could and would rip verizon off. Verizon offers it's GETITNOW services for ringtones and games and wallpapers. If file sharing through bluetooth was enabled, tha
bkw79 said:...
If Verizon enabled file transfer with bluetooth, people could and would rip verizon off. Verizon offers it's GETITNOW services for ringtones and games and wallpapers. If file sharing through bluetooth was enabled, tha
Closing in on 500....
Good times ahead. Well good times, intestinal discomfort, and eventually surgery, but you get the idea. 🙂
shadedpain4 said:...
When this thing gets to 500 posts, party at my place. Everyone bring your Verizon Wireless phones. We're all going to get drunk and ingest our VZW cell phones. Then we are going to sue VZW for not putting a "Do no
shadedpain4 said:Well, if the post count ont eh front page is any indication, I'm post # 502. So, where's the party? I'll go buy a Verizon phone so I won't feel ...
When this thing gets to 500 posts, party at my place
This is how I understand this whole deal
The company is not(and should not be) responsible for the ignorance or lack of product education that their customers posess. I will agree that perhaps VZW should have made a footnote when referencing the BT capabilities of the 710 and said perhaps, 'PC and...
What's The Big Fuss Over VZW???
60660 said:
With all the other REAL problems going on in the world, so many people here seemed to be concerned with the bluetooth on the Moto 710???? 🙄 I'm out!!
Seriously. The only thing I want to comment o...
Idiots.....all of VZW customers
gjh311 said:...
You all have too much speculative time on your hands...plain and got a crappy what....if you read the VZW website...and had done your does say what bluetooth profiles are support
Ok this is ridiclous
PhoenixAshes said:But it's so entertaining when idiots speculate on the law.
So.... the next 50 posters get the "I'm a big loser, and have nothing better to do that speculate on legal issues" award.
In the middle
Rant and more Rant
I'm suing McDs for not telling me the coffee was hot. Oops, that one was already taken. Ummmmmm, what else????? I'm suing Phillip Morris for not telling me that inhaling SMOKE is bad for me, damn it that ...
lexical said:...
While we're suing VZW, lets sue some other people. Sue Disney because they didn't tell you Space Mountain would make you throw up. Sue Microsoft because they "make" you give them money for a new version of Windows.
Relax and think this one through...
Obviously this is a hot topic with nearly 50 messages on this news article. Why? T-mobile got hacked and secret service files were in the open, but techy nerds (no offense as I'm one of them) have such contempt for VzW, they are more concerned with this class action suit about the features of one particular phone model..?
Let's look at the facts...
"connect to your PC or PDA whenever and wherever you want"
This statement as advertised requires what? The phone to be capable to "connect to your PC or PDA," right? Well, it does...
The only thing that's disabled is OBEX - three bluetooth profiles are enabled, and a PAN is utilized, therefore, t...
Stevo2k4 said:...
I think the people who post here should relax a seconda and think this one through...
Obviously this is a hot topic with nearly 50 messages on this news article. Why? T-mobile got hacked and secret service files
Stevo2k4 said:
I mean, one day maybe UNICEF will get into the wireless industry, but until then, tens of millions of people think VzW is the place to go.
This whole post was great, but this line was far and awa...
For one, you need to look at the underlying reason as to why the Bluetooth was dis...
saying that page is there now and that people should cope is like laughin...
In disbelief
BigRob said:
I think it's perfectly fine for people to assume that the bluetooth on this phone allowed for them to transfer files.
Anytime people rest on thier own assumptions they have no one to blame but themsel...
BigRob said:...
I just can't believe people are here supporting Verizon. I remember when this phone came out they said you could connect it to your computer, and I wanted one myself. I think it's perfectly fine for people to assume th
P.S.: I'm on the "Lawsuit is Bogus" side.
That would make you one of the more informed posters.
P.S.: I'm on the "Lawsuit is Bogus" side.