Review: HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE for Verizon Wireless
As usual, most of the Verizon-branded services are on board, such as VZ Navigator, Verizon Video, My Verizon, V CAST Tones, etc. Most of these cannot be deleted, but some can be "deactivated." Deactivated apps no longer appear in the main app menu, but still reside in the phone's storage. I didn't find the overall number of apps pre-installed (48) to be overly burdensome, in that there's still plenty of memory left for the user to install his/her own apps.
The Incredible's Bluetooth radio works perfectly. It paired with every device I could find. Phone calls, in particular, sounded excellent when sent through my car's speaker. Music sounded very good when sent to stereo Bluetooth headphones. I had no issues pushing files to/from the Incredible.
There are perhaps too many options when it comes to the clock on the Incredible. There are more than a dozen clock widgets, in addition to other widgets that also happen to include a clock (such as the weather). What's even better is that you can use these same clock widgets to serve as the clock for the lock screen. The selection is great, and can be set to match just about any wallpaper you might use. Lastly, the clock widgets are infinitely easier to read than the stock wallpaper clock.
The GPS worked well. The Incredible's GPS radio was able to lock on my position in less than 20 seconds, and was accurate to within about 25 feet. I've seen faster/more accurate behavior from other phones, but that's still really good. Paired with Google Maps, the location capabilities are excellent. Thanks to the speedy network access, fast application processor, and accurate GPS radio, real-time directions were spot on and as close to "real-time" as I've ever seen from a cell phone. Verizon's VZ Navigator software is just as capable at point-to-point directions, but doesn't work offline (Google Maps does) and it also costs $10 per month while Google Maps is free.