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Benq P50 Among First Handsets To Include UMA

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Feb 7, 2005, 5:36 PM   by (staff)

Benq has announced its P50 Pocket PC phone will launch with UMA support using its quad-band GSM/GPRS and Wi-Fi connections. Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) is a protocol developed by many major carriers and manufacturers to seamlessly hand off voice and data communication from a cellular network to an access point operating in unlicensed spectrum - be that Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or some future protocol - and back to the cellular network once the access point is out of range. Cingular and T-Mobile both belong to the UMA forum, but neither has announced plans to rollout the standard or carry the P50 on their network yet.



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Feb 7, 2005, 6:11 PM


How would this benefit a cell phone user? I know that perhaps a person won't be able to get signal inside and then this would come in handy. But aside from that, what other sorts of benefits are there to doing this?
I think this might be better for data... I agree with the comment of indoor usage but I cannot think of any greater benefit. Just have to wait and see the end result I guess 😉
HeroPsychoDreamer said:
How would this benefit a cell phone user? I know that perhaps a person won't be able to get signal inside and then this would come in handy. But aside from that, what other sorts of benefits are there to d
From what I hear it is more of an Enterprise Business Product. Big Companies like Ford have contract out with cell phone compaies and get rid of their land line phones.

The benifit is to the business having a WiFi VoIP netowrk in the office, tha...
What you'll see are a lot more bundling deals. Companies like Verizon and SBC+Cingular will be able to offer you a more compelling reason to ditch your landline, but not ditch your landline... 😉

So Verizon will try to sell you DSL that comes ...
Here is why I am soooo excited...

No carrier has ceverage at my home. My town did not allow any towers for years, and now only alows one. My house is in a area where NOBODY has ever had coverage at my house.

This technology solves that issue. ...
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