Cingular and Verizon Users Can Share Photos
Comments 14
Mar 16, 2005, 1:59 PM by (staff)
Tuesday at CTIA Cingular announced that they had MMS interoperability with Verizon. This means subscribers on the two carriers can send each other pictures simply by entering a phone number, instead of using email or middlemen. Cingular also said they expect to have the same sort of picture sharing with all major US carriers by the end of the year. Although not confirmed with the carriers, it appears this is already possible between Cingular and T-Mobile subscribers as well.
RCR Wireless News »
Mar 16, 2005, 2:21 PM
3 years ago...
...or so, is when inter-carrier SMS became a reality. Shortly after, color LCDs and cameras found usage on wireless phones (then called "cell phones"). So, 3 years from induction to industry-wide cross-compatibility ain't too shabby.
My pink and orange sent a photo to each-other easily and quite quickly, so there is definite success between carriers not-yet-announced.
Now to sit back and see who makes picture messaging most affordable...
Cingular has unlimited MMS/Picture Messaging for only $4.99. It's unlimited through the end of 2005, at which point it reverts to a 40-message plan. (Unless another offer comes out by then, which is extremely likely....)
To the best of my knowled...
What about Sprint?
The article says that Cingular plans on becoming interoperable with all major US Carriers but the problem is that Sprint does not use MMS, instead they use Picture Mail which sends the person an SMS with a link that follows to the image. The problem being that if the person who receives the sms with the link does not have a wireless web plan then it will cost them money to look at the picture by the kb which I think may become as expensive or more expensive than MMS. Also, how will Sprint receive these messages? Unless Cingular hosts the image on a server and send the Sprint phone a link via SMS then I don't see how MMS would work with Sprint without having to get a new phone. Any ideas? Got any info Rich?
i would imagine it to work the same bass-ackward way it does now. the sending carrier will send to the wireless line, and somewhere in the background receive the @carrier.who, which would then drop the message in the subscriber's "inbox".
or, they...
If this goes anything like text messaging, Sprint will realize their folly and launch MMS in about 2007.
This has been working ...
... for the last month or so, albeit unannounced.
Actually since late last year w/ cingular cust. then just recently included At&T cust. 😉
Personally, I think ALL mobile companies should follow suit! I mean, just cuz my boy has T-Mobile and I have Sprint, that shouldn't stop us from trading video and pics (with the same high quality, of course!) 😡 CAN't WE ALL just Get ALONG?!?
😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 This is great for the industry!!! I was wondering if anybody was working on this.
I was wondering...
Why my cousin wasn't getting my MMS messages LOL 🤣