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Verizon Announces New Unlimited Data Pricing, Treo 650

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May 16, 2005, 11:37 AM   by (staff)

Verizon today will drop the price of unlimited data for 1xRTT (National Access) laptop cards to $59.99 per month. Subscribers with high speed 1x EV-DO (Broadband Access) data cards will continue to pay $79.99 per month for unlimited data. Beginning next week, Verizon will also launch new plans for Blackberry, PDA phone and smartphone users. They can choose from 10 MB per month for $29.99 or unlimited data for $49.99. Verizon will not offer separate pricing for 1xRTT or 1X EV-DO data on these devices. Subscribers with a voice plan of $39.99 or higher will receive a $5 discount per month off their smartphone data plan. Verizon also began offering the PalmOne Treo 650 with wireless sync provided by Intellisync, as well as announcing the Samsung i730 Windows Mobile PDA phone, due out this summer. The Treo 650 will cost $399.99 with a two year contract.

Verizon Wireless »


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May 16, 2005, 12:52 PM

data plane high

I think that is still to high for the data plane. that is compare to other cell phone company.
Why do you say that? $59.99 Unlimitted Data on the old 1xRTT's a really cheap rate plan, considering that despite the deployment of UMTS, Cing and AT&T Wireless still offer(ed) their unlimitted data plans on $79.99.

Of course, these are only three ...
price to high are you serious? evdo is the most advanced data in the united states. Even edge can only touch up to 150k if that. With evdo your getting 300-500k per sec.
A little clarification on pricing. Cingular does indeed charge $79.99 for unimited data when using a card. However, there is a seperate set of data plans for TREO 650 or a smartphone like the 5600. Plan is called Data Connect for PDAs. It is $44.99...

May 16, 2005, 1:58 PM


And here I was looking forward to seeing that "Disgruntled CEO" run that full page ad in U.S. Weekly. Pfft. We've been gipped.

Sorry, but I'm ignorant to this.... Disgruntled CEO? Full-page ad? please clarify, it sounds like a great bed-time story.....
I think VZw marketing team may have took a break yesterday and decided to go to phone scoop and read what disgruntled ceo had to say and didn't want a all out boycott and the full page ad so i guess once the break was over they went to work so they ca...

May 16, 2005, 12:04 PM

WoW Verizon You Are Quick!

What took sooooo long??????
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