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BenQ Likely Partner For Siemens

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Jun 6, 2005, 1:04 PM   by (staff)

The most recent rumors circulating place BenQ as the Asian manufacturers that will partner with Siemens' ailing mobile phone division. BenQ was originally spun off as Taiwanese company Acer's ODM brand. However since then they have developed and marketed products, including mobile phones, under their own brand name. Neither brand has much market share, and though Siemens still has a well known brand name, most analysts don't see much benefit for either company in the tie up. An official announcement of Siemens partner, BenQ or otherwise, is due tomorrow.

Wall Street Journal »



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Jun 6, 2005, 1:41 PM

So what's the point exactly?

If analysts don't see any benefit for either company by way of a merger...what exactly IS the point? I hope Siemens isn't putting the last nail in its coffin.
analyts know nothing, they speculate. I speculate that the ben-q phones i've seen on this site blow any siemens phone ever made out of the water. hopefully this will lead to better quality phones with cooler designs.
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