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Nokia Outlines Plans For Mobile Broadband

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Jun 10, 2005, 12:44 PM   by (staff)

Nokia today committed to developing WiMax Mobile (802.16e) products and markets with Intel. When ratified later this year, the WiMax Mobile standard is expected to provide data speeds of up to 70 Mbps over a range of a few city blocks. Nokia sees WiMax as complement technology to high speed cellular data, which is expected to approach, but not exceed WiMax speeds over the next few years. Nokia announced their commitment to future cellular data protocols today, including HSUPA, the next revision of HSDPA (UMTS) as well as Super 3G (UTRAN LTE). HSUPA is expected to be capable of 14.4 Mbps downloads and 5.7 Mpbs uploads; UTRAN LTE could be as fast as 100 Mpbs down and 50 Mbps up.

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Jun 10, 2005, 5:20 PM

Is it just me?

Okay, is it just me or does anybody else out there feel like it's getting to the point where these ultra high speeds aren't going to matter? Honestly, can anybody name something that I would need 100 mbps down for?
RUFF1415 said:
Okay, is it just me or does anybody else out there feel like it's getting to the point where these ultra high speeds aren't going to matter? Honestly, can anybody name something that I would need 100 mbps down for?<
Well @ 100 MBPS it will still take me almost a min and a hlaf to download a 8 GB DVD, man that sucks 🤣 😈
well if one tower can support 100 mbps speeds then a lot more users can take advantage of a single tower without sacrificing speed when a lot of people are logged on, also it won't be long until streaming HDTV content will be available on the interne...
RUFF1415 said:
Honestly, can anybody name something that I would need 100 mbps down for?

Live Video Conference call with multiple users while sharing files, mp3s, listening to internet radio, watching live streamed ...
RUFF1415 said:
Okay, is it just me or does anybody else out there feel like it's getting to the point where these ultra high speeds aren't going to matter? Honestly, can anybody name something that I would need 100 mbps down for?<

Jun 10, 2005, 5:20 PM


It's amazing what kind of speeds we could be seeing in the next few years (although I have my doubts about cellular data speeds reaching 70-100mbps). WiMax, however, is real...and I can't wait to see some of the products that come out.
This is going to be the next frontier in mobile broadband since coverage is not as limited as land based broadband services, and may offer healthy competition for cellular data prices.
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