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Sprint to Slice 800 Customer Service Jobs

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Aug 27, 2013, 1:13 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Sprint today confirmed that it plans to cut about 800 jobs from its customer service organization. The move, said Sprint, reflects improved levels of customer satisfaction and the fewer resulting calls to its customer service representatives. A Sprint spokesperson said the cuts reflect "organizational adjustments being made to meet the changing needs of our business." Most of the cuts will come from Sprint locations in Texas. The company plans to maintain about 40,000 employees. Sprint recently closed its acquisition of Clearwire, while at the same time, SoftBank closed its equity acquisition of Sprint.

Bloomberg »

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Aug 31, 2013, 9:30 PM

ANOTHER Open Letter To Daniel R Hesse & Bob Johnson

Dear gentlemen,

I just want to say that I and many others feel hoodwinked by your company. We have been faithful to your brand for many years. Me... from the days of Nextel when it was a solo company, then when you bought it out.

You have your nice legalese that permits you to hide behind. Here is why I feel you are descending into a "crappy company."

You heavily advertise 4g LTE and push and sell in your stores and affiliate stores LTE phones. You mention that you will have your LTE service up and running by around a certain date. You fail miserably because we naively trusted you and we bought those LTE phones only to discover: a) they don't do standard 4g any longer and b) many months later you still have no...

Aug 29, 2013, 2:03 PM

Open Letter To Daniel R Hesse & Bob Johnson

Mr. Hesse & Johnson,

I fail to see the intelegence in your business model. Especially when the primary differentiation between carriers is the human interaction. Thats what you sold to your employees for years.

Im sorry, if a warm blooded person on the other end of a conversation may of jeopardized your $10M in executive bonus (thats just Dan alone). This move is completely short sighted for the short term gain. I dare say, any one front line repersenative works harder for their starting $12/hr with ever fleeting "bonuses" in 40 hours than you or Mr Johnson does in the same week (thats if you work 40 hrs a week). This may be absurd, but if the "high-level thinking" that your position calls for requires you to be compensated $10M/yr ...

Aug 27, 2013, 2:21 PM

the fewer resulting calls to its customer service representatives.

That's because you just opened up online chat for Customer Care, and they're absolutely awful.
Probably offshore too, maybe in Honduras or Phillipines.
we have been sent quite a few courses and such for self help options as well. The phone reps are going to be almost worthless soon.
{The move, said Sprint, reflects improved levels of customer satisfaction and the fewer resulting calls to its customer service representatives. A Sprint spokesperson said the cuts reflect "organizational adjustments being made to meet the changing ne...
I have to say I completely agree with Haggard on this one. I busted my butt in a call center for three years only to have it outsourced to India. And here are a few things I learned from the experience.

1. Illiterate Americans type very differently...

Aug 27, 2013, 5:21 PM

Can Vouch.. here's why...

Sprint is pushing customers to sprint.com. They've stricken certain abilities from the agents.. example Number changes (customers are now directed to website), Bill Payment (really? yup) Account to Account transfers, Corp discount qualification's, additional New Lines of services. Tech support is also now instructed to "go to store" pretty much for everything now. This was instituted within the last 4 months, which yes has lowered the amount of calls coming in because the agents now can do even less. The excuse given is so they can increase the customer experience and have customer see to believe, reading between the line "so we can save money on manpower" So other then canceling, there's no reason to call anymore. Another example of Techno...
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