C Spire Offers Yearly Upgrades for $20 Per Month
Nov 19, 2013, 2:57 PM by Eric M. Zeman
C Spire Wireless today rolled out its own early upgrade plan, which is built into its existing PERCS program. Customers who'd like to update their devices more often than once every two years simply need to enroll in the PERCS Upgrade program and pay and additional $20 per month on top of their existing plan. After 12 months, C Spire customers will be able to purchase new devices at 30% off and will not be required to turn in their old devices. Further, customers can trade in their old phone for an account credit of up to $300 depending on the device and its condition. C Spire is a regional operator that provides service in portions of Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi.
1. Their website has no "real/full" prices, only 2-year contract prices.
2. Also, it takes 10 years of being a customer to get the 30% discount. You start at 10%.
I suspect what the $20/month really gets you is the abi...