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Boost Mobile Announces Two GPS Games

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Aug 15, 2005, 1:39 PM   by (staff)

Boost has begun to offer two games that use the phone's built-in GPS to add location elements to game play. In Swordfish, players must use the GPS to move to schools of fish and cast the phone towards them. Once a swordfish is hooked, the game becomes a standard arcade fishing game. Torpedo Bay is more actively location based. Players move the streets hunting for enemy subs (other players) as well as other targets and bonus items. Each game costs $5.99 for the first month and 2.99 for following months.

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Aug 15, 2005, 1:58 PM

Wow! (isert sarcasm here)

Big deal. Boost needs to improve reception and service before they offer some gimmicky games. It's just like Nintendo: they'll have some drums as a controller. It's innovative, but beyond that Donkey Kong game its useless. Plus they don't play DVDs. Boost is like Nintendo, Verizon is PlayStation, and T-Mobile is X Box.
don't they use the iden network (nextel)?
Yeaaaaaah...I don't think they will be improving "reception" themselves, since they are on Nextel's network. Didn't you get the memo?? mmkay?
Cingular and T-Mobile are more like PlayStation...you have LOTS of compatible accessories (handsets). Verizon is like Xbox...it's all proprietary.
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