Google Play Services 4.1 Being Pushed by Google
Jan 10, 2014, 8:26 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Google said that Google Play Services 4.1 is now being delivered to Android devices around the world. With it, Google has prepared a new SDK for developers. Play Services 4.1 adds a number of features to Android devices, such as turn-based multiplayer support for games. Developers can create games that support between two and eight players and update turn metadata instantly. Play Services 4.1 adds a new API for integrating Google Drive into apps. Google says the update will also improve battery life when users have Google Location turned on. The Google Mobile Ads SDK now supports DoubleClick for Publishers, DoubleClick Ad Exchange, and Search Ads for Mobile Apps. Last, Play Services 4.1 makes it easier to share content from and within Google+, such as better auto-complete and suggested recipients from Gmail. Play Services provides the core functionality behind the Google Play Store, associated Play apps, and their content.
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