Rockstar Drops Suit Against Huawei
Comments 9
Jan 23, 2014, 11:33 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Rockstar, a patent consortium jointly owned by Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry, Ericsson, and Sony, has dropped its patent infringement lawsuit against Huawei. The suit was originally filed last year, and included co-defendents Google, Samsung, and HTC. Rockstar believes the companies are violating its patents. Neither Rockstar nor Huawei indicated why the suit was dropped, nor whether or not Huawei signed a licensing agreement with Rocktar. The lawsuit still stands against the other companies. Google, in particular, is accused of infringing on seven different patents that pertain to internet search terms and advertising. Rockstar is seeking damages from Google, which it says is violating the patents willfully. Rockstar is a group of companies that together purchased thousands of patents from bankrupt Nortel. The firms spent a total of $4.5 billion on the patents.
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Up To No Good
I didn't like the sounds of this consortium when it was formed an I certainly don't like it now. It didn't and doesn't make sense other than for the sole purpose to bully and create anti-competitive measures. Google recently lost a court battle and had a patent rendered invalid for purchasing motorola to use it just for suing others. This consortium was formed for the same intent. There is no good reason why several very large companies should tag team just for patents unless the above mentioned was the directive.The overall premise is power in numbers and money. This whole thing was and is a D-bag move. We know who is behind it and why.
This consortuim should be dissolved with the patents being bid on.
John B.
Yeah I think we all knew Rockstar was gonna try to out-troll the other patent-trolls, big bank takes little bank, but the Patent "system" is hopelessly broken, and its not gonna change, too much money to be made keeping it a cluster. With enough money...
Rockstar is an energy drink!
Why Huawei?
It will be interesting to find out why Huawei has been dropped from the suit. Could it be that they've been dealt in on the side of Rockstar? I have, for some time, argued that Rockstar is all about subduing those who make software open and free, and destroying competitive situations in the mobile industry. Apple, Microsoft, and BlackBerry are all quite unified in their quest to bottle up and control Android (and Linux in general). Ericsson is in it for control of the networking technologies. The weird one for me was always Sony - how did they get mixed up in this? Well, they have a lot of responsibility for modern media codecs, and they are a great landing place for Android to end up, if the consortium can strip it from Google.
Huawei was accused of spying, and not allowed to sell cards for US cellular sites to my best knowledge. I doubt they would be allowed to be a tech operator like Ericsson.
Sony probably isn't considering entry-level devices;
Huawei fills the position perfectly.