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Sprint Expands LTE Network By 40 Markets

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Jan 27, 2014, 10:23 AM   by Eric M. Zeman

Sprint boosted the size of its LTE 4G network by 40 markets today. Some of the new markets include Colorado Springs, Colo.; Midland, Mich.; Jackson, Miss.; Carson City and Reno, Nev.; Camden, N.J.; Georgetown, S.C.; Salt Lake City, Utah; Tacoma, Wash.; and Milwaukee-Waukesha, Wisc. According to Sprint, its LTE network is now available in 340 markets around the country.


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Jan 27, 2014, 1:55 PM

LTE ???

340 Cities & Not To mention Spark & Bridgeport cant even recive LTE SMDH ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ˜• i dont get it , thank god for Wifi or else the 3G would be horrid. but i guess the'll just give a P/C Answer about how they are improving towers etc. SMH
call and ask, they now have access to dates towers are going to be converted...atleast within the month they will be converted to LTE
Orlando just got lainched but little towns in Florida already had it. It just works out that way sometimes. But I will say the fully launched areas are nice. The upgrade period is rough though.
My buddy who has Sprint just came back from Atlanta and he was very disappointed with their LTE service there! He barely got 6 down and 2 up! I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see his speed check app.
Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile have LTE here in El Paso. Sprint has the majority of the consumer base here but no LTE? No logic in that. ๐Ÿคจ
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