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First Look At CDMA RAZR For The USA

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Aug 31, 2005, 2:39 PM   by (staff)

Using a pre-production model, Mobileburn has published an overview of the CDMA RAZR bound for the US. This RAZR has enhanced functionality over the model currently sold in Korea. As expected, the handset is dual-mode CDMA with EV-DO high speed data and aGPS location hardware for e911. It also features a 1.3 Megapixel camera and Bluetooth. The pre-production model was specced for Verizon, including the use of Verizon's new standardized interface and VCAST. Motorola has said that the CDMA RAZR is due out in the US Q1 of 2006, however source say the company is working very hard to have them on store shelves by the holidays.

Mobile Burn »


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Aug 31, 2005, 7:55 PM

Meh... Sprint is getting the Samsung "BLADE"...

RAZR is sooo played out now.
yeah that would b awsum, couldnt u get the razr for sprint by buying it b4 it goes to verizon? sprint doesnt hav nething good so this razr would boost sprint if it goes to them also.
If I was stuck with Sprint I'd be excited too. Thankfully I have Verizon πŸ™‚
It's too bad that Verizon turned it down. I would take the Blade over the Razr anyday.
Played out? Maybe for Cingular customers. It will be a very hot seller for CDMA carriers such as Verizon, US Cellular and Alltel.
are u speeking of the samsung SLMR? if so, anyone know about putting verizons PRL's on a sprint phone. razr is ok but needs a memory slot to play videos.
If you are talking about the samsung slim phone like the Razr Verizon plans on getting that phone as well.

Sep 6, 2005, 5:42 PM

AWESOME PHONE! I was able to test it out!

Let me tell ya this IS the phone to have i had a real version of it not a demo version. The color and picture is spectacular. The downside is the battery life. The phone i had came with 2 batteries. If Verizon don't dink around with the software you will be able to fully customize this phone from pictures and sounds from when you start up the phone to the awesome easy to use phonebook!

Aug 31, 2005, 4:06 PM

The phone I've been waiting for

It's going to be hard to call Verizon the carrier with the worst selection of handsets to much longer.

Sammy 940

I'm sure there are others

Some other close up pics of the CDMA RAZR

http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=702382 »

http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=694927& ... »
I thought PEBL and Q were GSM? Also, by the time the CDMA version comes out, isn't Cingular due for the RAZR2?
Moto RAZR and Q: yes.

Moto PEBL: where did you hear that?

Samsung A940: that's a Sprint phone. Verizon is getting the A970.
forget that silver cdma razr i need a black one. but i guess ill have to keep looking for a small cdma phone. i really wasnt too impressed with the rzar when i had gsm service. ill stay with my I730 for now.

Aug 31, 2005, 2:47 PM

Going all out...

Sounds like Motorola and Verizon are speccing this one out to succeed. Here's hoping they don't rush it for the Christmas season.
muchdrama said:
Sounds like Motorola and Verizon are speccing this one out to succeed. Here's hoping they don't rush it for the Christmas season.

I will put the two year handcuffs on for this one. My contract is up ...
Don't believe every thing you read. The display on the CDMA razr could not possible look like that. That is a display of the LG-8100. The reason I know is because I have the 8100. There will be a CDMA RAZR but it would look like that.

Sep 2, 2005, 8:11 AM


I'm so sick and tired of hearing about this stupid stupid phone, get it in the stores [and out] already so people stop bugging me about it.
Hey mycool

Did you know Verizon is getting a Razr? Do you know when it will be available? Do you like the Razr? Do you have one yet? When is it coming in again? Call me when it comes in!

Thanks mycool πŸ™‚

Aug 31, 2005, 3:02 PM


WHOS WITH ME??!?!?!?

THE E815 ROCKS but nother compares to how nice that RAZR looks. Its going to be expensive bu who CARES.

HURRY VZW i want that phone!!
Yeppers, it will fly off the selves.
yes lets hurry so misguided consumers like you can keep buying crap πŸ™„ and leaving the good phones to us educated wireless folks... πŸ˜› Let the tradition live on where we buy phones based on appearance and not on FORM and FUNCTIONALITY... 🀣...
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