AT&T Seeks to Buy More 700MHz and AWS Spectrum
Mar 20, 2014, 4:27 PM by Eric M. Zeman
AT&T has filed preliminary paperwork with the Federal Communications Commission seeking to transfer spectrum licenses and other assets from several small companies to itself. The companies include NTCH with its affiliate WGH Communications and Milkyway Broadband (both 700MHz), and Paul Bunyon Rural Telephone Company (AWS). Specifically, NTCH/WGH would transfer to AT&T 12MHz of Lower 700MHz B Block spectrum in 18 counties in six Cellular Market Areas (CMAs) across parts of Georgia, Florida, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. Milkway would transfer to AT&T 12MHz of Lower 700MHz C Block spectrum in 71 counties in 15 CMAs across parts of Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. Last, Paul Bunyon would transfer to AT&T 20MHz of AWS-1 A Block spectrum in nine counties in three CMAs in parts of Minnesota and North Dakota. AT&T said the spectrum transfers will allow it to increase the coverage and performance of its LTE 4G network. The FCC has accepted the initial applications.
Greedy Bastards
This is good news for everyone because AT&T actually has the resources to put that spectrum into use.
The Cricket spectrum is in different markets that doesn't overlap with...