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FCC Chairman to Reword Net Neutrality Proposal

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May 11, 2014, 8:19 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is prepared to alter the language in his proposed rules regarding net neutrality. As written, the rules would allow broadband providers to collect tolls for internet fast lanes. Opponents argue the idea, called paid prioritization, would by default create slow lanes composed of non-prioritized traffic. According to sources cited by The Wall Street Journal, Wheeler aims to make it clearer in his proposal that the FCC will heavily examine any paid prioritization agreements to make sure they don't create an unfair disadvantage for non-paying companies. Further, the Journal's sources indicate Wheeler will seek comment on whether or not the paid prioritization agreements should be allowed at all, as well as examine if major broadband providers should be required to offer similar terms to any company seeking paid prioritization. Wheeler will also seek comment on whether or not the internet should be regulated as a utility. It's unclear if Wheeler's new verbiage will pacify those who've railed against the proposal. For the moment, the FCC is still scheduled to vote on the rules May 15.



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