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Class Action Suit Filed Against Sprint Nextel

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Oct 6, 2005, 1:48 PM   by (staff)

A Texas law firm today filed a class action suit against Sprint Nextel. The suit alleges that Sprint Nextel illegally placed their antennas on electrical towers without permission. Sprint received permission from the electric company, however according to the lawfirm, the easement given to the electric company by landowners to install towers on their land only covers electrical transmission, not other types. The suit claims that if this was the case, rights to install cellular antenna were not the electrical company's to give. The suit has been filed in Kansas, where Sprint Nextel is headquartered. No date for trial has been set yet.

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Oct 6, 2005, 1:55 PM

Wait just a minute....

Shouldn't the electric company be in trouble because they improperly gave permission?

Must suck to be Sprint/Nextel, their Legal dept must be going into overtime.
Yes they should,but it's still funny to watch that crappy company Sprint/Nextel get in more trouble
Just another rediculous lawsuit to try and squeeze $ out of companies!!
evilbstrd666 said:
Shouldn't the electric company be in trouble because they improperly gave permission?

Must suck to be Sprint/Nextel, their Legal dept must be going into overtime.

I agree, if they gave permissi...
That's a good point. The electric company is trying to profit by selling the rights to something they don't have. They're allowed to use poeples' land for FREE for elecrical transmission only. The poor land owners are paying all kinds of taxes on the ...
And my bet is. The law suit is being brought to us by the SAME people who probably b!tched & moaned to Sprint, "We don't have good service out here! We keep having dropped calls! Put some more towers up! Give us free minutes!"

Oct 7, 2005, 4:38 PM

In other news....

nextel18 is forced by corporate headquarters to change his nickname to sprintnextel18
LMFAO 🤣 🤣 🤣
now that's comedy!
I heard that Sprint Nextel is going to phase out the Nextel brand name, and he will be forced to change his name again to sprint18.
Well played Mr. Alejandro 🤣 🤣
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