Digia Makes Qt 5.3 Available to Developers
May 20, 2014, 7:30 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Digia today announced the availability of Qt 5.3, a cross-platform application and user interface framework for developers that lets them more easily create applications for a wide range of operating systems. According to Digia, Qt 5.3 makes a wide number of improvements to the platform, such as the QQuickWidget to help developers migrate their apps, and allows them to develop C++ and Qt versions at the same time. Qt 5.3 includes a number of new APIs for both the Android and iOS platforms, including a Positioning API for GPS features and Bluetooth API for improved connectivity. A new Purchasing API powers in-app purchases from both the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store (support for Windows Phone on the way). Qt 5.3 also offers a WebSockets API to let developers make better use of cloud-based services. Last, Qt 5.3 adds new enterprise and security tools to make apps secure and business-ready. Developers are encouraged to download and use the new tools directly from Digia.
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