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Verizon Says No Data Rollover Programs In Its Future

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Jan 22, 2015, 1:30 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Jan 22, 2015, 1:32 PM

Verizon Wireless will not follow AT&T and T-Mobile's data rollover programs with one of its own. "We're a leader, not a follower," said Verizon CFO Fran Shammo. AT&T and T-Mobile allow customers to roll unused data over to the next month. T-Mobile launched its program in December and AT&T followed it in early January. Shammo said Verizon understands that it will lose some customers over such features, but noted, "We did not go to places where we did not financially want to go to save a customer." Carriers often respond to pricing and service plan changes made by competitors.



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Jan 22, 2015, 3:23 PM

There You Have It

That attitude right there is why I'm no longer with Verizon. "We realize we might lose some customers, but as long as we don't lose any money, we're okay with that." What...?

And no, they're not leaders. They're the last company in the business to do any damn thing. If the T-Mobile and AT&T programs are successful for long enough, Verizon will introduce something similar, put some sort of restrictive twist on it, then claim that they were innovators.

That's Apple for ya... wait, you were talking about VZW, my mistake...
Exactly. This is the same jerk who gloated about the fact that rolling out 4g increased the chances of customers exceeding their data limits.
Well to be honest, rollover data seems silly to me. If you aren't using up all of your data every month then you should switch down to a smaller monthly bucket. In my opinion it's just a gimmick.

What Verizon should do instead is just alter their...
At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I like Verizon. I never have signal issues anywhere. I have a badass phone that always has blazing fast internet. I pay less now than I paid with Tmob, Sprint or ATT and I have rarely had an overage on my data. I...

Jan 22, 2015, 3:02 PM

I think

If enough customers left, they'd change their tune.
Too bad their customers are blind morons and will follow them and allow them to rip them off continuously and stay with them.
Verizons mentality is comparable to General Motors in the 60s 70s era. They think Cadillac, luxurious and quality. While they may be ahead of the times, they are going to start feeling the punch very soon. Att is attempting to show its customers that...
They have more money than brains and so do their customers!
andy2373 said:
If enough customers left, they'd change their tune.

It's not going to happen.
If anything they will gain customers. "Who needs dumb gimmicks?"... I can already hear the commercials.

If the last 1...

Jan 25, 2015, 12:38 AM

You Get What You Pay For

The reason that Verizon charges more is simple -- they offer the largest native coverage and most reliable service of the four major carriers.

I've had Sprint since 2003, and I stick with them for two reasons: price and roaming. Although their native footprint is similar to TMobile and not as large as AT&T, I can roam and receive the same basic coverage a Verizon customer gets, at a fraction of the price.

If I lived in a rural area, I'd be with big red, too.
The reason Verizon charges as much as they do is because many of their customers have no choice, it's either Verizon or no mobile phone at all, and they like to take advantage of this fact to extort as much money as they can from customers who want no...

Jan 22, 2015, 10:48 PM

Talk about sheeple.

First off, why would anyone logically do this?

If you don't come close to using all your data every month, you're paying too much for that data. Drop down a tier or two.

Even if you're on, say, a 10gb plan, and routinely use 6 of it, what is the point of having 14gb the following month? You only ever use 6 anyways. Still overpaying.

Likewise, if you use close to all your allotted data for the month, then you just need to bump up to the next tier.

Rolling over data is gimmick, regardless of the carrier. Furthermore, those carriers are probably going to charge extra for the rollover feature and cap the amount to can have banked to 5 or 10gb anyways.
But to argue your point, lets say you do drop down and everything is great until you have a heavy data month and go a little over. Wouldn't it be nice not to have any overage charges as your plan carried enough data over for you to use?
The point of...
You've actually just given the argument why carriers have decided to implement this. Because in practice it is something that is rarely used. It allows them to give the customer some piece of mind at very little cost to the carrier.

That's why Ve...
Before switching to the mobile early last year with unlimited talk and text, I was with at&t on a rollover minutes plan for years.....at one point I had accumulated something like 3,000 rollover minutes....then suddenly there was an increase in my usa...

Jan 23, 2015, 2:49 PM

Verizon is ALWAYS last to change…and first to suck..

if you look back at carrier history, verizon is always the last to change there plans services etc.. to compete. they never ever try to be first to save there customers any money. Recently Tmobile announced there new pre paid plans…Ironically verizon lowered there pricing down to almost match Tmobiles rates. Tmobile is driving the bus, ATT and sprint are playing catchup and verizon is the most arrogant son-of-a-BEEEEP out there. The coverage in texas or north dakota don't matter if the service is over priced and don't work in your own home! And lets get something straight, its not that Tmobile ATT or sprint don't have coverage thruout the US, its just the data services that are competing. So i really don't care if i don't have data somewh...
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