Cingular To Offer Video Calling
Comments 43
Jun 28, 2006, 1:43 PM by (staff)
Cingular CTO, Kris Rinne, claims that the carrier would offer video calling to its subscribers next year. Instead of focusing on face to face calling, which has not been successful on any 3G markets, Cingular will focus on the ability to use the outward-facing camera to share an event while on a call. The carrier has not announced any details about the upcoming feature, including pricing.
Reuters »
oh so sweet!
i hope it doesnt frame or freeze or any of that crap.
this is good news. 🤤
Hope the frame doesn’t freeze? Hahah. There will be needed a lot of memory (ram) in these handheld devices. Will this be a hit? Not sure, and because Cingular isn’t that great with data, perhaps that will not entice users to come over. At least th...
Step in the right Direction
This Is great news. Even though Cingular doesnt have "the great data network" now doesnt mean they can't get it by next year. This is a great idea by Cingular and I do belive that parent will use this to check up on there kids. I feel sorry for people like my brother who are in their mid teens and will have parent that will use this. Thank God i was born in 1986 and dont have to deal with this. I would have been grounded so many times growing up if this had been around. 🤣 😈 🤤 😁