Mobile Industry Tries To Go Green
Sep 22, 2006, 12:25 AM by (staff)
Nokia today announced it will lead a group of manufacturers and carriers in an effort to reduce the environmental impact of mobile phones. The group will attempt to implement a wide range of changes including reducing harmful materials in phones, reducing the energy usage of phones, and increasing the number of old phones that are recycled. Nokia also singled out chargers as one of the targets, mentioning that teaching people to unplug their charged phones could save huge amounts of electricity. Motorola, Panasonic, Vodafone, Orange and others are also founding members of this effort.
Teaching us?
Yeah ok.. I see that cell chargers may continue to waste electricity when left pluged in and not in use... instead of teaching us, wouldn't it be smarter to design a chager that dosnt do that..
Oh and God forbid all manufactures came together for a universal charging connection.. the small usb 2.0 looks like it could very well be it.
yeah I know the newer gen chargers are more efficent but ****, mine is at home allways plugged in and the cord just pokes out somewhere so I can charge overnight.