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Cingular To Announce Music Plans

Article Comments  9  

Nov 1, 2006, 3:26 PM   by (staff)

Cingular will soon announce new phones that will connect to online music services. The phones will offer Windows Media Plays For Sure for compatibility with many online music services. Cingular will partner with these services instead of offering its own music store. Subscribers will be able to transfer their own music or songs from any compatible service to their phone using Windows Media Player. Unlike services from Sprint or Verizon, Cingular will not offer downloads direct to the cell phone, however Cingular's service will not require subscribers to use additional custom software. The Samsung A707, which was revealed last week, is likely to be one of the first compatible phones for this service. It could launch as early as tomorrow.

Wall Street Journal »



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Nov 1, 2006, 3:57 PM


Yet another attempt to grab at the digital market. . . because there's not enough of those yet. 🙄

I can't imagine this being something executed well. True, not everyone likes iTunes, but the last thing the world needs is another music service dripping with DRM. And given that it's coming from Cingular, it will be overpriced. Not ridiculously overpriced, but noticably more than any other equivalent service.

yech. . .
Cingular is just trying to play catch up with the rest of the bunch. I own two phones that play MP3s, one Sprint and one Nextel. I don't use our online music service much, but love the fact that all i have to do isplug my "Fusic" into my desktop and...
i can see them chargin $2.99 a song. current ringtones are 2.49 for a clip, i wish they would decrease the price but atleast a dollar ohwell
You guys gotta read the info...Cingular isn't launching their own service, just the phones and partnering with services. The other service will likely set the price of the songs.
According to the article, the partnership is with several sites, such as Napster, Yahoo, and eMusic.

So, it sounds like people will be able to choose which site they buy their music from, and it should be noted that eMusic does NOT have DRM.

I t...
looks like i wont be using cingular's music service, and the worst part is that its using windows media, plays for sure DRM, not everyone has a pc, this is gonna leave out a lot of mac/itunes users, and i thought cingular is supposed to have a partner...
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