Verizon Will Stream YouTube Videos
Nov 28, 2006, 1:34 AM by (staff)
Verizon is set to announce a deal with YouTube on Tuesday to make select videos available to VCAST subscribers. Starting in early December, Verizon will allow VCAST subscribers to stream a limited number of YouTube's videos. The two companies will work together to select and approve popular videos from the site, however they have not yet commented on how many they will make available. Verizon will also allow its users to upload videos to YouTube directly from their phone.s The arrangement will be exclusive for a short period of time, but YouTube has already announced that Verizon is only the first of many partnerships.
"Select" videos?
So, who exactly "approves" which videos are available? The Government? Ms. Liang? What makes her (or Verizon) an expert on what has entertainment value? I should celebrate this?
Will Verizon be placing Parental Advisory stickers on their cell phones? Will the videos have little tiny ratings in the upper right corner?
Shame on you Verizon. Your "service" defeats the purpose of YouTube.
Did Santa leave EVDO equipment at each one of vzw's cell sites so they can just ...
New reasons to hate Verizon
And just look at what that $15 a month is going to pay for. A censored version of YouTube, and on your little cell phone screen, no less.
The whole argument about how filtering YouTube to make to shield your kids against stuff is ridiculous; if you don't want your kids watching, then don't let them have the phone! YouTube is NOT the only place on the net where they can stumble across content that might not be "suitable".
Given this Verizon-YouTube behavior, though, I bet if they could find a w...
for the complainers
and its more youtube on your phone than you had before, so quit complaining
and say the don't let questionable content on there (wardrobe malfunction and the like), how many parent would complain cause their little johnny saw some boobs.
as for full webpages not being on the phones, your right, sprint is better in every conceivable way, go watch youtube on their phones...oh wait
urnamehere said:
as for full webpages not being on the phones, your right, sprint is better in every conceivable way, go watch youtube on their phones...oh wait
🙄 maybe full webpages only belong on computers.....
urnamehere said:...
For one, you don't know what the selection process will be, so quit complaining. perhaps by "select" it means the 100 most popular, as it said in the article.
and its more youtube on your phone than you had befo