Mignon Clyburn, FCC Commissioner, Set to Depart Agency
Apr 17, 2018, 4:08 PM by Eric M. Zeman
FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, one of two Democrats on the five-person commission, today said she intends to retire from the FCC. Clyburn has been with the agency for eight years. "[Mignon] has been a tremendous leader and a committed public servant throughout her time here," remarked Chairman Ajit Pai. "As the first woman to head the agency, she led skillfully through a transition and put her stamp on the Commission, including through her steadfast leadership in telehealth, media diversity, and digital inclusion." Fellow Democrat Jessica Rosenworcel said, "Commissioner Clyburn is a dynamo. She represents the best of public service." Today was Clyburn's last public meeting with the FCC, but she intends to wrap up her tenure with the agency over the next few weeks. A new, as-yet-unnamed commissioner will eventually take her place.
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