FCC Says Net Neutrality Rules to Be Repealed June 11
May 10, 2018, 10:09 AM by Eric M. Zeman
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai today said June 11 will mark the day his “Restoring Internet Freedom” order will repeal the existing net neutrality laws. Pai has made it a focal point of his leadership to nix the Obama-era rules that classified broadband as a utility under Title II. “On June 11, these unnecessary and harmful internet regulations will be repealed and the bipartisan, light-touch approach that served the online world well for nearly 20 years will be restored,” said Pai in a statement. Many are fighting the change, including all democrats in the Senate, invidual states, and civil rights organizations. FCC commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel disagrees with the change. “This is profoundly disappointing. The agency failed to listen to the American public and gave short shrift to their deeply held belief that internet openness should remain the law of the land. The FCC is on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the law, and the wrong side of the American people,” said Rosenworcel. The change is seen as a win for companies that supply internet services.
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