Alltel Looking To Sell
Mar 5, 2007, 1:24 PM by (staff)
Alltel Wireless, the nation's fifth-largest mobile operator, has intensified its attempt to sell itself to one of the other major US carriers or simply to new owners. Alltel has recently solicited bids from AT&T, Verizon Wireless and others. Though AT&T has rebuffed Alltel's offer, Verizon is reported to still be considering it. This potential union is more likely since both carriers use CDMA technology, and Verizon has not swallowed up any major operators like Sprint or AT&T have so regulatory hurdles are not as high. Were Verizon to acquire Alltel, it would become the nation's largest wireless provider with 71 million subscribers, far more than Cingular's current 61 million. Alltel is hoping to close a sale before April or May, though talks are still in the beginning stages.
Western Divestitures
Also, Alltel inherited GSM infrastructure and roaming agreements from Western Wireless. Should Verizon purchase Alltel, they would also inherit these (which would probably please Vodafone). I wouldn't think that Verizon would be able to simply shut off this system, as it would look to better themselves by hurting their competitors from predecessor agreements. I guess, perhaps, they could divest that infrastructure? I'm sure AT&T would be up for that, that could reall...
What about Chad?
Great! now alltel is going to suck.
It will be comcast
Sprint has been doing what they can to set themselves up to be bought out by Comcast, however Alltel officially being for sale will throw a wrench in that. I do not think Comcast has the interest or the revenue to buy out two carriers.
A couple ...
Why would Comcast want to pay $30B+ for Al...
IF it is sprint
do you really think that sprint would offer the my circle, with unlimited mobile to mobile between all boost, nextel, sprint and alltel customers, unlimited nationwide direct-connect, free imcoming calls and variable night options?
Obivious, because Alltel buy almost every hone that Verizon does. I know, I had Alltel before I switched to Verizon(a lot better than Alltel). Alltel probably wants to be in on the VCAST Music which they don't have. And they want to be in on ...
lottery winner
keep yelling guys this is fun. sprints going to buy alltel and cingular is ****
Sprint or Verizon
bad idea for alltel
ckverizon1 said:
90% of verizons new activations are old sprint customers .
and 85% of all statistics quoted are made up on the spot...
moron π
My View on this ALLTEL situation.
There are obviously four potential situations that could happen;
1. A sell out to private equity
2. Do nothing
3. And third party suitors
4. LBO
Private equity;
Well as you guys know these guys have a lot of liquidity and have been buying a lot of companies so that is a chance that private equity could be in the fray as they would reshape the company and then offer an IPO 3-5 years down the road hoping to get a higher price than it is currently on the IPO. I do not believe this will happen. A reason comes to mind; one. Th...
Sprint, No... Cingular, No... Verizon.... Mabye
On the other hand, this would be a tremendous pick up for Verizon. It would place them back on the top of the wireless industry (until Cingular got hold of T-mobile USA) and all but eliminate Sprint all together. But I don't think Vodofone would let it happen.
And I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be a great idea for Cingular for a couple of reasons. Network integration would suck and take forever. The purchase of...
sprint and alltel
all sprint needs to do it a migration and ask cable companies and it will be set
Coup for ATT
It would be as much of a headache as a solution for Verizon
Here are the advantages of a VZW buyout:
1. Immediate expansion of Verizon's EVDO network (Verizon's EVDO towers are only in major metropolitan areas, Alltel has expanded theirs in some more rural locations).
2. A buyout of Allte...
jskrenes said:...
And the disadvantages:
1. In areas like South Dakota, where VZW and Alltel are the two major carriers, Verizon would have to decide which towers to keep: their own towers or Alltel's.
2. Juggling a buyout/selloff
I'll buy it...
It would be interesting to see sprint merge with alltel, since they have SRA's with each other.
it would make Sprint the largest wireless carrier, and the Juggernaut would begin it's stampede.
T-Mobile should be asking Deutsche Telekom to buy Alltel
VZW + Alltel = Good Idea
Sprint buying Alltel is a completely different situation t...