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Sanyo To Offer Dual Mode WiMax Handsets

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Mar 20, 2007, 1:10 PM   by (staff)

Sanyo today announced the company is working on dual mode CDMA / WiMax handsets using chips from Beceem. It is likely these new models will be for Sprint, although the company did not state this outright. Nokia, Motorola and Samsung have all committed to bringing out dual-mode devices for the carrier. It is not surprising that Sanyo, which has a strong relationship with Sprint, would want to join in with dual-mode offerings as well. Sprint will begin testing WiMax in three cities soon and expects to begin rolling out the service late this year. The comnpany has not announced what handsets or devices will be available during testing or at launch.



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Mar 20, 2007, 5:25 PM

So let's see...

CDMA for voice.

IDEN for walkie talkie service.

WiMax for 4g data.

I smell trouble a'brewin'.
I bet they won't have the iDEN counterparts. As far as I know, Sprint is phasing out the Nextel name and network, and slowly migrating ("integrating") customers to the CDMA network.
No... IDEN will be phased out... and Walkie Talkie will switch over to QChat... which runs on the Rev. A network... and probably over WiMax in the future. They just need a fast upstream... one that Rev. A and WiMax can provide. Plus... QChat is compat...

Mar 21, 2007, 9:58 AM

Woot woot!

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! 😲 WOOT WOOT! This is the "best news ever" for sure dude! 😁 And it BETTER be for Sprint, cause if its not... 👿
LL Cool Jake

Mar 20, 2007, 1:54 PM

Sprint is Number 1

WiMax is going to scream!!!! thanks Sprint for leading the way!!!!!!1\
Right... You must have never used ClearWire! It sucks!

Mar 20, 2007, 9:43 PM

this is the best news ever!!!

sanyo is the best phone ever and now that almost all the phone manufacters are making wimax phones. i cant wait for this is come out
I'd love to see Sony give WiMax some Ericsson love.

Mar 20, 2007, 3:18 PM


I thought Sanyo was going to stop producing wireless devices. Guess not. Glad to here. I think Sanyo is the better manufacture for Sprint. That's my opinion of coarse. 🙂
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