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Sprint And Qualcomm Investigating Patent Workaround

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Jun 28, 2007, 3:13 PM   by (staff)

Sprint today hinted that it is working with Qualcomm to test an update for EV-DO handsets that would work around Broadcom's patents. Qualcomm has stated that in addition to pursuing all legal methods to overturn the ban, that it is looking to implement new software, if it is possible to do so to the satisfaction of operators, manufacturers and legal authorities. The process of designing a workaround is common to patent disputes, but has rarely been successful in the past. Qualcomm is also pleading for a Presidential veto of the ban, as it now appears unlikely the Federal Appeals Court will rule against the ITC.

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Jul 5, 2007, 5:11 PM

Sprint breaks up with high-maintenance customers

I know this doesn't have to do with Qualcomm, but it does indeed have to do with Sprint, and it's evil ways! ! !, anybody who cares about QUALITY customer service read this:

Sprint breaks up with high-maintenance customers

http://news.com.com/8301-10784_3-9739869-7.html »

Jun 28, 2007, 3:24 PM

Sprint Ahead

I'm glad someone is doing something. Hopefully the others have followed or is doing the same on this stpuid ban.
thats because we people who work for at&t like to call sprint el desperado. 🤣
Yean said:
I'm glad someone is doing something. Hopefully the others have followed or is doing the same on this stpuid ban.

Yeah, why bother with those pesky patents? Why bother with laws at all?
It wouldn't have been allowed to be released. Imagine the stink that would have caused. Fortunately they decided to use the 20 year old slower then a turtle technology instead...🙂)
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