Firms Create Visual Voicemail for Mass-Market Handsets
Aug 20, 2007, 1:30 PM by (staff)
Action Engine and Acision worked together to create a visual voicemail service for BREW, Java and Windows Mobile phones. The on-device application will allow operators to offer visual voicemail services to their subscribers. The application replaces the standard voicemail box and lets users see and scroll through their voicemails, play messages in any order, and manage them like email. It also converts voicemails to text and sends them to an email address of your choosing. The service is similar to SimulScribe's visual voicemail product for BlackBerries and Windows Mobile (beta). SimulScribe's service allows users to consolidate all their voice lines into a single voicemail box where they are converted to emails and sent to your BlackBerry or Windows Mobile device so they can be read and managed more easily.