MetroPCS Makes Offer On Leap Wireless
Sep 4, 2007, 10:33 AM by (staff)
MetroPCS made an offer to purchase Leap Wireless for what amounts to $5.12 billion in stock. The terms of the offer would have MetroPCS swap 2.75 of its own shares for each share of Leap. Based on the current share prices and amount of outstanding stock, the total comes to $5.12 billion. If the offer is approved by shareholders and regulatory bodies, MetroPCS would own 65.4% of Leap. The combined entity could reduce operating costs, would have a broader reach than either alone, and would have licenses giving it presence in the top 200 markets.
the fcc/doj should say no
shouldn't be allowed.
SCTelephoneMan said:...
this would be like directv and dish network merging. with both unlimited carriers merging, competition would be reduced. probably would not be unlimited anymore after awhile.
shouldn't be allowed.
My take on the merger.
Does it matter?
lufrebent said:
I don't know much about Leap, but I know MetroPOS. Would this actually make a difference on their network? (And I mean that seriously, as sarcastic as it may.)
This is a misconception based on Metr...