Verizon Lets Customers Switch Plans, Integrates Landlines
Comments 39
Oct 2, 2007, 12:16 PM by (staff)
Verizon yesterday announced it will allow subscribers to switch plans without having to renew their contract starting October 7. Though most GSM carriers already offer this, CDMA carriers are just starting to allow their subscribers to switch plans. Verizon also announced new plans that include both landline and wireless service, and allow subscribers to make unlimited calls between the two lines. The plans start at $60 in most markets for 200 wireless minutes, unlimited in-network calling and unlimited local and long distance from the landline.
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This Is NOT Something New for Verizon
Many many Moons ago Verizon. They would like you go up and down withing the period of plan offerings that you selected your plan in. So they are basically going back to what they were doing before. Nothing new here.
Before you were able to go up and down in minutes w/ in your price plan. But say a new promotion price plan launches, now you're able to switch from your old price plan to a new promotional price plan with no contract extension date, before you had to...
I just had to comment
I think that some of the statments in this story are not accurate.
CDMA carriers are just starting to allow plan changes without contract extensions.........USCC has been doing this for well over a year now. And Sprint will let you change within the first 6 months without a contract extension.
Most GSM carriers will let you change without a contract extension......T-mobile will make you resign at least a one year and I'm fairly positive that AT&T does the same...
what gives
AT&T you can change plans and add and drop features w/o contract extensions.
T-Mobile only makes you extend your contract if you switch to a special promotional plan. Otherwise, you do not have to extend or sign a new contract.
USCC HAS let their subs do this for some time, but sprint and alltel just recently got with the program (less than a year ago for each, i believe). while GSM carriers have offered this for years. i have switched plans without renewing since ATT was pa...
no myfaves, but from what others are saying, Alltel (whatever on the spelling, they're not that important) needs to seriously revamp a recent no-contract commercial.
THANK YOU GOD!!! I actually dislike those commercials from Altel, I feel like I'm watching political jerks smash mouth each other.
All this and more...
Am I the only person who picked up on the detail that this plan is $60 for 200 minutes?
so how does this work?
i have had several customers come in today asking about this...i didnt know what they were tlaking about so im online looking for it. i work for an idirect so im sure i wont be able to do anything....but if they have a home line already, can i set them up with a new cell phone and have them call WHO to set up the combination? im just a little confused...
Talk to your store manager, owner, or indirect rep. We don't have Verizon voice here in our area, but we can't access certain plans (like those paired with onstar). So you'll want to make sure that once you move your customers over to a combined pla...
finally VZW gets with the program
get a clue