T-Mobile's Shadow Steps Into the Light
Oct 28, 2007, 11:24 PM by (staff)
Today T-Mobile announced its newest Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone, the Shadow. The HTC Shadow is a slider with a SureType keypad and quad-band GSM/EDGE radios. T-Mobile and Microsoft developed a user interface overlay that users can use to access most of the phone's features without diving into Windows Mobile. The D-pad doubles as a scroll wheel to navigate through the menus. It also has stereo Bluetooth and a 2 Megapixel camera, expandable storage with the microSD slot, and Wi-Fi. It is compatible with MyFaves, and goes on sale October 31st for $150 with two-year contract. T-Mobile has also recently reduced its unlimited data plan pricing from $30 per month to $20. This is the first phone in a "planned franchise of phones" under the Shadow brand exclusive to T-Mobile.
If it only had a touch screen, UMA, etc....
Good decision
of course it will be a device of distinction
the $20 unlimited is prolly in response to the lack of 3G