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Sprint to Launch Limited WiMax Networks This Week

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Dec 11, 2007, 2:02 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Sprint plans to launch its XOHM WiMax network by the end of this week in Chicago and Baltimore-Washington, D.C. This initial launch will be limited only to Sprint employees and will focus on the central downtown areas of the test cities. This initial set of trials precedes the actual full trial networks that will be available to the general public starting in the first quarter of 2008. A sprint spokesperson said the company has 10,000 base stations ready to go, and will expand the coverage to areas that see high demand for wireless data. The company did not provide details on what devices its employees will be using, nor what devices consumers can expect to use once the full trials get underway.

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Dec 14, 2007, 12:50 PM

Redeeming Point

This may very well redeem some of the profits that Sprint/Nextel has lost and possibly recoup to bring a profit to the company. I have heard that The new OS that Microsoft made for vehicles that Ford has adapted is to be wired with this new technology around the cities that Wimaxx is released. 😳

Dec 12, 2007, 11:18 PM

philadelphia market?

whens the philadelphia market coming? our one rev a tower is so congested its doing 300kbps average

Dec 11, 2007, 3:29 PM

I want my Wimax!!!

Just go get a job with Sprint in Chicago, Baltimore or DC.
you want that medium or larger!! 👀 🤣 🤣

Dec 11, 2007, 6:17 PM

One can only hope...

that WiMAX will be as fast as they say, then we can have phone where you can actually see the person you talk to in RT. The android phone would also ROCK the house with this!
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