Korean Firm Forges New Titanium Molding Process
Apr 28, 2008, 12:35 PM by Eric M. Zeman
A start-up in Korea has created a new process to develop phone cases and keypads out of titanium. Titanium is a difficult metal to work with, which makes it expensive to use, but it is lightweight, resistant to rust and is very strong. The company, MTIG, made a new metal injection molding technique that uses powdered titanium and heating, rather than casting and cutting, to make parts. The new technique, which the company has been working on since 2004, negates the need for specialized equipment. This will drastically cut down on the cost of manufacturing titanium parts and components. MTIG will be able to ramp up production of titanium parts by July.
T Mobster said:
Simply apply your nokia to your face and shave while on a call. 🤣
Lol :c)
I love titanium in general. It's not heavy, but it's strong and titaniam looks sexy. I'm looking forward to...
But will we see this in the US?
jskrenes said:
Will there be a market for it in a country that turns over new phones every two years?
South Koreans turn phones over even sooner than 2 years, trust me there is a market, we turn over cellphones seld...
I lookforward to having an actual blade, katana, or razr
i wonder if this could cause cell phones to be banned from airplanes.
im sure a terrorist somewhere would think of something like that. 👀