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Losses Mounting, Sprint Weighs Options

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May 13, 2008, 3:43 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated May 13, 2008, 5:35 PM

Facing a large drop in subscribers and revenue, Sprint is taking measures to stem some financial bleeding. For the first quarter of 2008, Sprint lost over 1 million customers and racked up a $505 million net loss. It has said that it will lay off some 4,000 employees (first announced in February), shutter an undisclosed number of retail shops (also announced in February), and is weighing the sale of other assets as well. One option on the table is a sale of the Nextel unit, though Sprint CEO Dan Hesse admits that that would entail "significant complexities." About 15.7 million of Sprint's total 52.8 million subscribers use the Nextel network. Sprint is also considering a sale of the entire company.

Bloomberg »


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May 13, 2008, 8:06 PM

I predict-

-that Sprint will put itself up for sale by the end of this year at the earliest, or the first half of next year by the latest. By 2010 the name Sprint will only be a bad memory.
Ok Ms Cleo! Oh yeah wasn't she a fraud?

May 13, 2008, 5:29 PM

An Alltel+Sprint merger more likely than Verizon

Makes more sense to me, especially with Verizon snatching up so much AWS spectrum that in a few years they wont need much,if any roaming partners to provide native nationwide service. Alltel didnt buy any spectrum and since Sprint and Alltel already are roaming friendly with data and voice it would be an almost seamless transition. The Sprint name has too much negativity around it with years of bad customer service and a subpar network, even though now thier network is actually pretty damn good, they need someone with a better reputation like Alltel to get back on track, just my opinion. Also there is no way that Verizon would be able to buy Sprint, the deal wouldnt get approved by the DOJ for antitrust reasons.
That's true. 110 million customers would be massive.
Very true but you have to keep in mind the credit markets and how they are effecting all potential deals that were in the works. It is not as easy as it once was to just borrow $30B or whatever amount to buy a company or any initiative. You have to co...
I'd have to agree that Alltel could gain a lot by purchasing Sprint. Especially since Alltel has little coverage in major cities, that purchase would boost their coverage there. Whether they have the money or not remains to be seen. Verizon certain...

May 13, 2008, 6:48 PM


First off let me start by saying that a lot of customers have some right to be angry at this company. Many times the customer service and stores do not communicate because lack of knowledge of each others systems. I also want to inform most of you customers (I am a Sprint Rep) you are very ignorant because of not being able to find the basic tools needed to take care of your problems yourself, you find yourself on the phone for w/e time it takes to get your issue resolved. I.E paying bills online, or even keeping up with your bill for that matter some people just pay their bill and 3 months later finally decide to look at it then complain expecting a credit for something claiminig you never used internet or txt w/e the case my be. If you don...
Thats it blame the customer the one that pays the bills. You want be blaming them now cause they want be there ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ
good luck with that attitude on the unemployment line.
๐Ÿ˜‰ i agree with you...
i dont its that we're blaming it on all the customer but theres alot of customers that want us to do absolutely everything for them! lets be honest ppl! the only way to make a customer happy is giving them unlimited minutes...
I agree completely.
Some people really get emotional about all this.

Look, I've had all the carriers and for the last several years I've had Sprint, specifically a Blackberry and Sprints data card.

I'd be the first to say the reps in the local store are not the mos...
I 100% agree with everything you said. Customers just want too much from carriers. I cant say sprint because all carriers have the same type of customer that will complain about everything. I am a manager for tech support dept. so I have heard it all ...
Agreeing with sprintreptx2008, all wireless providers have their pros and cons. From what I have seen, each wireless provider will have different coverage in different parts of the country and every company may fit people's needs differently (thats a ...

May 13, 2008, 4:27 PM

They had it coming for a long time

It is a real shame that a company with potential really lived up to what a mobile phone company should not be. They did not learn from all the mistakes and by watching competitors more closely. Verizon would be super smart to buy them out like Cingular did with AT&T Wireless back in 2004. Merging the same technology would give Verizon the boost to really compete with the New AT&T. Nextel then can go on their merry old way. T-mobile should stay exactly as they are. If they buy out Sprint they would create a logistics issue to convert CDMA to GSM.
I agree with you about Vz; this could be a big boost to them.
I agree. Verizon Wireless should definitely step in and take over Sprint. VZW would then be the biggest wireless carrier in the U.S.
cingular was allways at&t at&t spun-off Verizn and Comcast AT&T was a Monopoly
If VZW buys Sprint, then will all Sprint customers be unwillingly supplied with the VZW Software on their Sprint phones?
All Verizon needs to do is sit back and watch Sprint tank. Don't expect them to make a move unless they're forced to. I have no sympathy for Sprint. They've been broken for a long time with a no 'quick-fix' solution and buying Nextel only put more ...
Verizon isnt in competition with ATT and never will be. We build our customers not buy them
And you know that VZW would have the balls to either spin off the Nextel portion or just shut the whole thing down and let people out of contracts.
But hasn't Sprint's stock gone up from 7 buck to 9 bucks weird? Especially since they're going out of business. You would think it'll go DOWN 2 more not up.

May 13, 2008, 3:56 PM

Wait I thought these layoffs were all rumors!!

There has to be a positive side here, I'm sure a fanboy will come along and tell us all why Sprint really is the bomb ๐Ÿ™„
BOMB WENT BOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
i work for the company and will be the first to tell you sprint is not the BOMB (mainly cc), but that doesnt me that the service or features suc. sorry but att tm and vzw network cant and will not be better then sprints anytime soon....
Sprint sucks! I started in Dec 2002 working for one of their affiliates Airgate PCS. They knew how to take care of their employees!! Then we got bought out by Sprint's largest affiliate Alamosa PCS and things continued to be pretty good. Then in March...
Everyone calm down...these are the 4000 layoffs that Sprint announced in February. All of those 4000 people are already gone as of the end of March. Now whether or not there'll be more????? No idea.
Sprint is laying off people. What will we ever do? A company is firing people. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ . How dare they? ๐Ÿ‘ฟ Firing people who give wrong info and constantly have complaints made about them. Stupid Sprint why can't they just die like everyone wants....

May 19, 2008, 6:56 AM

Sprint takes $50,000.00 from Company in Overcharges

Sprint overcharged my small (US) company for over $50,000.00. We caught them doing it and now they refuse to refund the over-payments. You can read the full story at

http://www.sprint-really-sucks.com »

May 13, 2008, 4:59 PM

What is going ?

I know it has been bad but DANG!!!!! what is really good? so what does this mean for a guy like me who has been with sprint since 2000
what's gonna happened to me? i gonna have to go to a new company or what ? any body shed ant light on this ?
nothing you don't have to do anything, if the service is working well for you..then enjoy it and stay.
It means that you'll probably start enjoying better customer service once someone takes over Sprint, because the customer service can't get any worse than it is right now at Sprint. This is coming from a fellow Sprint customer. I just hope they don't ...
Honestly being a csr has made me realize the lack of education in the U.S. People don't know how to read. They can't read or communicate. Even if you tell a customer how to check there minutes they don't. They don't read their bills. Yes there are...

May 13, 2008, 4:14 PM

IF my bill stays where its at ill prob go too

With 3 phones on Sprint its ridiculous what we have to pay a month. I can see why they are bleeding to death. With one out of contract and another getting close im thinking iPhone 2. Shoot saving $50+ month will more than pay for the early termination hit/s at this point.

Yes leave and add the churn they don't deserve your business!
rjflyn said:
With 3 phones on Sprint its ridiculous what we have to pay a month. I can see why they are bleeding to death. With one out of contract and another getting close im thinking iPhone 2. Shoot saving $50+ month will more
There is no way you could switch to any other carrier and save money if you are on the correct plan, Sprint is the absolute cheapest (and they have very good coverage IMHO).

Do you have a 300 minute plan and use 1000 minutes? That is a problem!

I'm sorry, for your inconvience. While I won't rant or rave at you I'm sure you've called in a hundred times and no one has offered a new plan to you or maybe you were afraid of changing because of a contract. Especially after seeing all the Alltell...
Ummmm... I am sorry to say this but with Iphones you will not save $50 bucks... You will probably be paying a tad more because of the "Special" Iphone data plans you have to add on when you buy/activate one... trust me I know I used to work in an at&t...

May 13, 2008, 9:48 PM

wah wah , the customers!

ok, every company has it's share of whiney, rude, IGNORANT customers, and most of us here work for one company or the other, so we can agree on that easy enough. However, i can't beleive that it's mostly the customers fault when you're losing like a million of them. unless your company just appeals to the ignorant... ๐Ÿคฃ
You're an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They couldn't even retain me....when I quit!!!!!

Get a clue!!!!!!!! When ANY company loses the numbers Sprint has in the last year SOMETHING IS WRONG and it's NOT the custom...
Well, some years back sprint did sign a HUGE number of consumers by advertising that they were offering contract service w/o a soc. security number, and I can attest firsthand to the level of trash and lowlife that that campaign brought in, complaints...
No one says mostly. There are tons of policies that drive customers away naturally like adjustment blocks, account spending limit, overages etc. Truth is the real reason is just Sprint got beat out in advertising. Everyone who has a brain can see th...

May 14, 2008, 8:17 PM

How will this affect MVNO's


Boost Mobile
Virgin Mobile
I would assume that those contracts would still require service to be provided to the MVNOs, but the contracts probably don't last more than a few years each, so within a few years, the contracts would have expired and if anything changes, no new cont...

May 13, 2008, 5:24 PM

didn't they just

close a bunch of store and layoff a bunch of employees a few months ago

is this just more of that or are they just doing round two
NO they announced they were laying off people but they haven't done so yet. At least not in any of the customer service centers that I know of.
psycho dramatic7

May 14, 2008, 12:16 PM

HAHAHAHAHA.....Hopefully One Day Verizon & Att are next....

After dealing with Sprint's &#(@ for 3 1/2 years I had enough. Time after time fighting with foreigners on the telephone over weird charges to my bill. Haven't to pay every week to turn my phone back on. I'm so happy this is happening to Sprint. I hope they go out of business. If you treat your customers that crappy, you shouldn't be in business. Verizon charges way too much and they over sell their service because I do drop a lot of calls. The one good thing I can say is some of the people over the phone are nice and get stuff done quick and Verizon's billing system is ok, haven't had problems with it. However they cripple their phones's UI's and bluetooths. AT&T just makes me sick...absolute crappiest service for the absolute highest price...
Lol. That will not happen. They have too much.

May 14, 2008, 7:40 AM

Time to Criticize Verizon!

In light of Verizon's usual very successful quarter of revenue, industry leading customer loyalty as clearly indicated by the industry's best churn rate, and highest net adds.......and in light of what we've just read ..again about Sprint....I think it's time to criticize Verizon again about their high prices, and crippling their UI and bluetooth! This is usually what happens, and has actually started happening in this thread. So ridiculous!
Then you need to be a little more clear ๐Ÿคจ ๐Ÿคจ

May 13, 2008, 4:15 PM

Yes, finally.

This is the best news I've heard this week. I've worked for these ****ers for almost two years and don't have a positive opinion of this company.

To Sprint:

You b!tches just blocked some news websites and phonescoop. Your customer service sucks, you don't give us (the care agents) proper training and expect us to learn as we go. Look where your training cuts and bad customer service have gotten you. I hope you go out of business. Sure that means I lose my job... nothing wrong with a little unemployment for a few months.

You made another employee smile.

Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚
i just pee pee'd a lil and laughed out loud..thanks
๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ
I am another sprint employee, and to hear you make excuses for why you cant sell are pretty hilarious ๐Ÿคฃ i too did not go to training however I watched the employees around me and took little tips from them here and there and right now in the west ...

May 14, 2008, 10:01 AM


Why did you change the headline to this story??

May 14, 2008, 6:34 AM

In All Honesty

I see an overseas provider (Not necessarily DT) come in and buy Sprint out. There are quite a few international suitors that are interested in making a name for themselves in the states.
this would make the most sense...especially inlight of all the pissing and moaning the FCC has done recently about how no new carriers rose to the top in their action (still annoyed that they expected the little guys to outbid the top guys ๐Ÿ˜ก ) they w...

May 13, 2008, 8:29 PM

Sprint, Verizon and all of them

Some people really get emotional about all this.

Look, I've had all the carriers and for the last several years I've had Sprint, specifically a Blackberry and Sprints data card.

I'd be the first to say the reps in the local store are not the most well trained. I have found a couple that I try to deal with that are pretty sharp but let's be honest...most of them would rather be doing their nails or shopping at the gap. NO that's not a sexist comment.

Sprints customer service is NOT good on the phone. However...I am picky on my service and I have had better luck with Sprint vs. AT&T/Cingular or T-mobile. And now, for $99 getting unlimited everything including Blackberry....come on, that's a great deal. Yes I know there will be someone...

I feel the same way. I have the Unlimited plan and the blackberry 8830. I have considered Verizon but balked at the higher price for less minutes.

I'm with you, as long as the Simply Everything plan is around I'm staying with Sprint. I ju...

May 13, 2008, 5:13 PM

Well at least they have WiMax.

Wimax will save this company from any further
loss of customers. Thankgod.
With reguards to any further loss of customers, peoples contracts are always expiring. IF the name Sprint has a future at all it probably won't be til the 2nd half of 09 that we'll know if this company really stands a chance of surviving or being boug...
They have Wimax and other assets that will probably lead to a sale.
you're joking right? you really think the average consumer gives a crap about wimax ๐Ÿ™„
I dont think so !!! You think the backers of WiMax are going to hang in there with Sprint? I wont be surprised to see a major cable company pull the monies that they were going to support Sprint , maybe Clearwire will dump the project with Sprint tim...
I'm a Sprint customer since 1998 and I almost was driven to leaving Sprint after they kept on hanging up on me when I tried to call and solve my double billing problem a couple months back. I was SO close to leaving over a simple billing error that we...
It's now May- by the time Xohm finally debuts Sprint is going to be screwed.

May 14, 2008, 9:18 AM

Dark Horse

I wouldnt doubt a possible play by Vodafone. Verizon Communications has been toying with the idea of possibly purchasing their stake in VZW. This would be a perfect time to take them up on the offer and for Vodafone to own a 100% stake and presence in the US market.
T Mobster

May 13, 2008, 4:59 PM


karma is a mother.....that's what they get for screwin over people time after time. ๐Ÿคฃ
exactly Right..if sprint didn't treat folks poorly they wouldn't be in this situation. Sprint pissed off another MILLION ๐Ÿ˜ณ people, they deserve this!
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